Questionnaire Text

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The following questions should only be completed for persons born in 1980 or earlier.

14. Does he/she usually work or is he/she seeking work?

-This question refers to the person's main activity during the twelve months prior to the census enumeration.
-Members of the household who work without pay in the family business or on the family farm should answer that they work, if they systematically work during the season of intensive work for the family business or farm.

[] 1 Working
[] 2 Looking for work
[] 3 Other (does not usually work or look for work)
___ _ (Specify the other activity)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
The following questions (12-25) were answered only by individuals born in 1980 or before.

12. Level of education
[As in the form, omitted]

[As in the form, omitted]

The question was clear and without problems. In the case of graduates of a foreign educational institution the code of the respective Greek educational institution was checked.

14. Does he/she usually work or is he/she seeking work?
Working, job seeking, other occupation

[As in the form, and why it is important to ask for the twelvemonth etc., omitted]

Every individual which for the most part of the year was occupied with some work, regardless of whether or not he/she was working during the census taking, even if the enumerated was unemployed, on leave, sick, did not work due to the mending of the machine that he/she was operating etc., answered as working. The individuals which had started working a few days before the census taking, those working in seasonal work and were occupied systematically as well as officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers (continuous occupation) of the armed forces were considered as working.

Individuals who just before the census taking had stopped working because of pension, sickness or other reason and did not have the intention or prospect of work in the future, conscripts or reserves on their military service and prisoners were considered as not working.

Seeking work answered:

[p. 74]

Every individual which for the most part of the year did not work, or was available to work and was seeking work but regardless of his/her efforts could not find work.

Individuals not belonging to one of the above mentioned cases answered "other case".