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9. Place of usual residence

(Municipality or Commune, Locality, and Providence or foreign country)
-For soldiers (conscripts or reserves), and for students and pupils who do not reside with their families, the place where they serve or study should be considered their usual place of residence.
-Do not fill in the spaces provided for subsequent coding, at the end of the question.

[] 1 At the place of enumeration
[] 2 Other (specify)
___ Municipality or Commune
___ Locality
___ Province or Foreign country
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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9. Place of usual residence
As place of usual residence was considered the place where the household was living or the collective residence where the individual was a member.
Most individuals had no difficulty in declaring the place of their usual residence. In any case it is further clarified that:
a) In the case of individuals having two residences, e.g. in town and a vacation residence, the one that they spent most of their time was declared as place of usual residence.
b) For students and soldiers who did not live with their families, the place where they were studying or serving was declared.
c) For individuals living away from their families during the week because of their work and were visiting on weekends, the place of their work was declared as the place of their usual residence. In their family home they were enumerated as temporarily house guests.
d) Households residing in Communes having a winter and a summer location, the winter location was declared as their usual place of residence.
e) Individuals temporarily hospitalized, in prison, on vacations, declared the place of residence of their household.
f) In the same way, individuals temporarily absent abroad for a short period of time, the place of residence of their household was declared as their usual place of residence.
g) Nomads and roving were considered to have as their usual place of residence the place where they were enumerated.