Questionnaire Text

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Questions 1-9 should be completed for all persons, regardless of their age. (Mark the answers by filling in an X in the appropriate space, wherever applicable.)

8. If a Greek citizen, in which Municipality or Commune is he or she registered?

[] 1 This Municipality or Commune

Other (indicate):
___ Municipality or Commune
___ _ _ _ _ _ _ Province

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Question 8: "If Greek citizen, in which Municipality or Commune is he or she registered"

[p. 55]

166. [Omitted, it applies only to Greek citizens]

167. As a general rule, every Greek citizen, regardless of his sex and age, is registered in a Municipality or Commune, specially:
a. Greek adult citizens, men or women, are registered in a Municipality or Commune, regardless of where they vote.
b. If they are not registered in a Municipality or Commune, they are to be considered as citizens of the place where they voted in the last elections.
c. Those that they did not vote are considered as citizens of the Municipality or Commune of their usual residence, i.e. where their household resides.
d. Married women who have not changed their Municipality or Commune registration after their marriage by application are considered as registered in that Municipality or Commune.
e. Minors regardless of their sex:

i. Lawful children have the citizenship of their father.
ii. Unlawful children have the citizenship of their mother.
iii. Children of unknown parents are considered as registered in the Municipality or Commune of the enumeration place.

168. According to the above the citizenship of the adults is recorded as an answer to the relevant question and not to be ascertained by out of date official documents.

169. [Omitted, how the answers are to be recorded]