Questionnaire Text

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If it is a regular dwelling, ask all the following questions. If not, go to question 10.

7. Toilet
[] 1 Inside the dwelling
[] 2 Outside the dwelling but in the building, private
[] 3 Outside the dwelling but in the building, shared
[] 4 No toilet available

If there is a toilet, is it a flush toilet?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Questions 2-9 should not be completed for irregular dwellings.

59. Question 7, Toilet

[Omitted, question 7 is repeated]

Toilet refers to a space built so that sewage is directly disposed of in a sink or sewage network.

To qualify as a flush toilet, the water supply must be through pipes and the system for disposing of the sewage must be outside the dwelling.

[p. 26]

For responses 1 and 2, the relevant definitions given in paragraph 58 apply here as well.

Select response 3 (shared toilet) if the toilet is outside the dwelling but inside the building, and if it is used by households residing in one or more dwellings.

Select response 4 if the household is using a toilet outside the building or none at all.