Questionnaire Text

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If it is a regular dwelling, ask all the following questions. If not, go to question 10.

3. Is there a separate room intended for cooking (kitchen)?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

3a) If yes, does it meet the requirements of a regular room?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

3b) If no, are there any cooking facilities?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

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Questions 2-9 should not be completed for irregular dwellings.

55. Question 3, Kitchen

[Omitted, question 3 is repeated]

Kitchen is a separate space, equipped and intended, since its construction or renovation, to be used for preparing the household's meals.

[p. 24]

This space must be used for the aforementioned purpose, regardless of whether it is used for other purposes as well (i.e., dining, sleeping, etc.).

The space should be considered equipped for meal preparation if there is an appliance permanently installed for this purpose (i.e., fireplace, electric or gas stove).

If a kitchen meeting the above description exists, record an answer about whether the kitchen meets the requirements laid down for a regular room.

Mark response 3b if there is no kitchen available in the dwelling.

Even if the permanently-installed facilities for cooking (e.g., gas) occupy part of a space or room intended and mainly used for other purposes, count this as a kitchen,
so long as the space is roofed, even if it is in the courtyard.