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Resident Population (Present and Absent)
[Questions P09 to P12 were asked of the resident population.]

P11 Duration of residence

[] 0 Since birth
[] 1 Less than a year
[] 2 1 to 4 years
[] 3 5 to 9 years
[] 4 10 years or more

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Column P11: Length of Residence
The variable "length of residence" refers to the time elapsed between the enumerated person's arrival in his/her current residence (prefecture of current residence) and the date of the census. Evidently, during this period the person in question did not stay in another prefecture or outside of the country for at least six months. Ultimately, the length of residence is the period of time denoted by the last change of residence. It may be the last change of residence from one prefecture to another in Guinea, or the last change in the country of residence, when moving from another country to Guinea, where the person settles in a specific prefecture until the date of the census. The notion of "length of residence" thus brings into play 2 places of residence, marking as it does a change in residence: the current place of residence or the last place of residence; and the previous place of residence or the next to last place of residence. A special case is that of persons enumerated without interruption since their birth in the prefecture of their birth. There is thus no change in place of residence as such. Strictly speaking, in this case the length of residence is equal to the individual in question. However, for the purposes of the census, in all cases where there has never been a change in the prefecture in which the person resides in the course of his/her lifetime, the appropriate response is "Dnaiss ___ 0", i.e., this individual has resided in the prefecture where he/she currently resides since birth. In this specific case, the prefecture where he/she currently resides is the one that should be [entered] in column P07, "place of birth" as well as in column P12, "Place of previous residence." That is the meaning of "Dnaiss." The other possible responses are numeric and express the length of stay in number of years. Those responses apply in the case where you have established that the individual being enumerated has changed his/her prefecture or country of residence. To obtain an appropriate response, keep in mind 2 variables at the same time-"Length of residence" and "Place of previous residence" and in light of this ask the following 2 questions:

[p. 43]

Since when have you lived in this prefecture?

In which prefecture in Guinea, or in which country, did you reside before moving to the prefecture where you currently reside.

To be more efficient you should first compare the place of current residence. In this way it will be easier for you to assess the answers and consequently to take the correct approach.