Questionnaire Text

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[Questions P00-P20 were asked for persons in both the household and non-household populations.]

Economic activity -- P13-P17: Should be related to the past 7 days preceding census night
[P13 to P17 were asked of all persons age 5 years or older.]

P13b. How was [the respondent] mainly engaged?

[P13b was asked of persons who were 5 years of age and were not engaged in any activity for pay in the 7 days prior to the census (per question P13a).]
[] 1 Did not work but had job to go back to (go to P14)
[] 2 Worked before, seeking work and available for work (go to P14)
[] 3 Seeking work for the first time and available to work (go to P18)
[] 4 Did voluntary work without pay (go to P14)
[] 5 Did not work and not seeking work
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Economic activity (P13 - P17)

Economic activity questions cover P13a, P13b, P13c, P14, P15, P15a, P16 and P17. All these questions should be related to the period of 7 days preceding Census Night. They should be asked only for persons aged 5 years and older.

P13b. If no in P13a: How was [name] mainly engaged?

Read out each option to the respondent, pause for a few seconds to ensure that the respondent has understood the statement.

1. Did not work, but had job to go back to
This category includes persons who, during the reference period, did not do any work for pay or profit or family gain although they had jobs to which they could return. Persons who come under this category may or may not be paid during their absence from their jobs and include the following that were temporarily absent from their jobs for any of the following reasons:
i. On leave with/without pay but with definite instructions to return to work after a certain period. Note that that persons e.g. teachers, public servants on study leave who are receiving full-time education in educational institutions, with or without pay, and persons on maternity leave with or without pay, etc., must be classified as working.

ii. Off-season, e.g. farmers or fishermen who did not do any work because it was their off-season. Note that in certain parts of the country, particularly in the Northern, Upper East and Upper West Regions, work on the farms takes place during certain months of the year while in other months the farmers remain virtually idle. The same applies to fishermen in other parts of the country.

iii. Temporarily ill without pay, but would return to a fixed job after recovery, e.g. workers on sick leave or on admission at hospitals.

iv. Labor dispute, strike or lockout but would return to a fixed job after the strike or lockout.

v. Temporary lay-off with definite instructions to return to work at a specific date. Such workers include permanent farm laborers, or workers in various enterprises and establishments whose work has been interrupted temporarily for lack of raw materials and / or other reasons.

vi. Bad weather/inaccessibility, i.e. persons not working because of bad weather thus making their workplace inaccessible. For example, farmers who could not go to their farms because the paths leading to their farms were flooded; fishermen who could not go to sea because of stormy weather, masons who did not work because of bad weather, etc.

For the above mentioned categories, enter 1, and skip to P14.
2. Worked before and seeking work and available for work
Write 2 in the box and skip to P14 for persons who have worked before but during the 7 days preceding census night, were unemployed (i.e. not in paid employment or self-employment). Note that such persons must be available for work and should have taken steps to seek for one through visiting employment agencies, visiting worksites, writing applications, seeing relatives and friends for help in securing jobs and visiting websites, etc. Also included in this category are persons who have worked before and currently unemployed but have lost hope of finding job. However, if such persons are offered work they will take it.

If respondent is unemployed but had worked before and seeking work and available for work, enter code 2 and go to P14.

3. Seeking work for the first time and available for work
Enter 3 for persons who have not worked before and during the 7 days preceding census night, were unemployed (i.e. not in paid employment or self-employment). Such persons are available for work and have taken some steps to seek for one through visiting employment agencies, visiting worksites, writing applications, seeing relatives and friends for help in securing jobs, etc. This category also includes persons looking for work for the first time but who have lost hope of finding a job. However, such persons are willing to work if offered jobs.

Note: If the respondent is seeking work for the first time and available for work, enter code 3 and skip to P18.

4. Did voluntary work without pay
This refers to volunteers (without any pay in cash or kind) who produce services for another household or for non-profit organizations. However, volunteers (without any pay in cash or kind) who produce goods for any enterprise/institution/household or who render services for a market enterprise should be considered as employed.

5. Did not work and not seeking for work>
Enter code 5 for any person who did not work and did not seek for work during the 7 days before census night.