Questionnaire Text

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[Questions P00-P20 were asked for persons in both the household and non-household populations.]

Full time education: answer for persons 3 years and older
[P12a, P12b and P12c were asked for persons 3 years of age and older.]

P12b. What is the highest level of schooling [the respondent] is attending now/attended in the past?

[P12b was asked for persons who had attended school in the past or were attending school now (responded "past" or "now" to P12a).]
[] 01 Nursery
[] 02 Kindergarten
[] 03 Primary
[] 04 JSS/JHS
[] 05 Middle
[] 06 SSS/SHS
[] 07 Secondary
[] 08 Voc/technical/commercial
[] 09 Post middle/secondary certificate (teacher training/college of education, agric, nursing etc.)
[] 10 Post secondary diploma (university diploma, HND, teacher training/college of education diploma, etc)
[] 11 Bachelor degree
[] 12 Post graduate (Cert., Diploma, Masters, PHD, etc.)
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P12b. If now or past in 12a: What is the highest level of school (name) is attending now/attended in the past?

This question seeks to elicit information on the highest level of formal school respondent attended or is attending. 12 levels have been identified and they are:

01 Nursery
02 Kindergarten
03 Primary
05 Middle
07 Secondary
08 Vocational/technical/commercial
09 Post middle/secondary certificate (teacher training, college of education, agric., nursing, midwifery, other certificate, etc.),
10 Post secondary diploma [tertiary (university diploma, teacher training, HND, etc.)]
11 Bachelor degree
12 Post-graduate or higher (higher means post graduate diploma, master's degree, Ph.D.).

Note that the interest here is to find the highest level of formal school respondent ever attended or attending and not completed. If a respondent dropped out of school at a level it means he/she has attended that level. Also note that first degree includes undergraduates who are still in the universities and polytechnics and those who attended university but dropped out before completing the bachelor degree in addition to those who have completed their bachelor degree.

Similarly, the post graduate category includes those who have completed post graduate diploma, masters' degree and Ph.D. It also includes those who are currently doing a postgraduate course and those who started post graduate course but dropped out before completion.

Enter the code applicable to the person.

You will also come across people who through distant, sandwich course or adult education have attained some level of schooling. In such cases, find the equivalent level of schooling and record the appropriate code in the box provided.