P08. Number of years lived in this village/town.
[P08 was asked of all persons who had not been living in their current village or town since birth (responded "no" to P05).]
For how long has [the respondent] been living in this village or town? _ _
This question should only be asked of persons who answer 'No' in P05 (i.e. not born in this town or village where enumeration is taking place) and also those who answer 'No' in P07 (i.e. not lived in this town or village since birth). Note that breaks in duration of residence lasting less than 12 months should be disregarded. Also, note that for persons who have made multiple movements of 1 year or more, you should consider the last duration of stay as the number of years lived in the town or village. Write down the response in the appropriate boxes.