Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[Questions P00-P20 were asked for persons in both the household and non-household populations.]

[Questions P04 and P05 were asked of all persons who responded that they were Ghanaian by birth, or of dual nationality (responses of 01-02 for P03).]

P05. Was [the respondent] born in this village/town?

[] Yes [skip question P06]
[] No

P07. Living in this village/town.
[P07 was asked of persons who were born in their current village or town (per P05).]

Has [the respondent] been living in this village or town since birth?
[] Yes [skip question P08]
[] No
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
P07. Living in this town or village since birth: Has (name) been living in this town or village since birth?

You should ask this question only of those persons who answer 'Yes' in P05 (i.e. born in this town or village). You should note that persons who have temporarily been absent from their place of birth or who are normally absent for periods less than one year (e.g. seasonal workers who return after a season and students in boarding schools elsewhere or traders absent for short periods) should be regarded as having lived in this town or village since birth. When a person answers 'No', you should probe further to get the right response.