Questionnaire Text

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H: Housing conditions (household population only)
[For vacant housing unit fill only H01, H02, and H04]

H07: Rooms

H07a. How many rooms does this household occupy? _ _

(Count living, dining, bedrooms but not bathrooms, toilet and kitchen)
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H07. Rooms

A room is defined as a space in the housing unit or other living quarters enclosed by walls reaching from the floor to the ceiling or roof covering, or at least to a height of 2 meters, of a size large enough to hold a bed for an adult, that is, at least 4 square meters. Note that there are cases of two or more persons sharing a single room that have separate catering arrangements. Such persons are therefore single person household. The number of rooms occupied by such households should be one (1) for each person.

H07a. How many rooms does this household occupy?

Information on rooms occupied by households provides an indication of overcrowding and adequacy of dwelling stock. It also reflects the socio-economic condition of the household. You should count living rooms, dining rooms, bedrooms but not bathrooms and kitchens, and record the number in 2 digits.