H: Housing conditions (household population only)
[For vacant housing unit fill only H01, H02, and H04]
H03: Floor
What is the main material of the floor of this dwelling?
[] 1 Earth/mud
[] 2 Cement/concrete
[] 3 Stone
[] 4 Burnt bricks
[] 5 Wood
[] 6 Vinyl tiles
[] 7 Ceramic/porcelain/granite/marble tiles
[] 8 Terrazzo/terrazzo tiles
[] 9 Other (specify) ____
H03. What is the main construction material used for the floor of the dwelling?
This question seeks` information on the main materials used for the construction of the floor of the living quarters. Nine categories have been provided for this section. You should shade the appropriate circle.
1. Mud/earth - This category of floors is made up of earth, swish, or un-burnt mud bricks.
2. Wood - This refers to floors that have been constructed with wood, such as parquet (wooden tiles), wooden planks, boards, tree stems or some other form of timber.
3. Stone - This category comprises floors made of stone(s) and rock surfaces.
4. Burnt bricks - Floors made with burnt bricks must be classified in this category.
5. Cement/concrete - This category refers to concrete or cement floors.
6. Vinyl tiles - These are tough flexible plastic, used for floors.
7. Ceramic / granite / porcelain / marble tiles - Dwelling units which have ceramic, marble/granite and porcelain tiles for floors must be classified in this category.
8. Terrazzo / terrazzo tiles - This category refers to terrazzo floors made with stone chippings and concrete/cement. It may be polished or rough.
9. Other (specify) - Materials used for the construction of floors of dwellings which do not fall into any of the categories indicated above must be specified in the space provided.