Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
A07. Enumeration area code
Region _ _
District _ _
District Type _
Sub-district _ _
EA number _ _ _
A08. EA type _
A09. Locality code _ _ _
A10. Structure number of house/compound _ _ _ _
A11. Household number within house/compound _ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
(A01) Region name - Write the name of the region where you are conducting enumeration e.g. upper east

[Below the text there is a filled box showing "upper east".]

(A02) District name - Write the name of the district where you are conducting the enumeration e.g. Kasena-Nankana East

[Below the text there is a filled box showing "Kasena-Nankana East".]

(A03) District type - Write the name of the district type (district, municipal, metropolitan) where you are conducting the enumeration. For example, if you are conducting the enumeration in Ayawaso East sub-metro in Accra Metropolis, write metropolitan as the district type;

[Below the text there is a filled box showing "metropolitan".]

(A04) Sub-district - Write the name of the sub-district where you are conducting the enumeration. Note that this applies to only the sub-metros in the metropolis. The sub-district in the example in A03 is Ayawaso East sub-metro in Accra metropolis.

[Below the text there is a filled box showing "Ayawaso East".]

(A05) Locality Name - Write in the space provided the name of the locality, which may be a town or village where you are actually conducting that particular enumeration. In the case of metropolitan and municipal areas, the localities are the suburbs. Note that in rural areas you may have many localities in one enumeration area. Therefore, the questionnaires for each such locality must have the name of the particular locality written on them. e.g. Asaseterew

[Below the text there is a filled box showing "Asaseterew".]

(A06a) Detailed address of house/compound/group quarters - The address you write here must be the same as what you recorded in column 2 of the "enumerator's visitation record (EVR) book". A precise description of the location of the house or compound/group quarters should be written so that another person can use the address to find the location of a particular house or compound on a second visit. If the streets are named and the houses numbered, you must write the house number and the name of the street e.g. C49/2 Castle Road, Adabraka. Otherwise write a precise description of the location of the house or compound/group quarters. For example, (i) Kwame Adomako's house on the Main street directly opposite God is Great drugstore, or (ii) Mustapha Bukari's H'Se, second compound after the chief's palace.

[Below the text there is a filled box showing "Mustapha Bukari's house, second compound after the chief's palace".]

Note that the address of house or compound in both the EVR and the questionnaire must agree. If it becomes necessary to correct any address in the visitation record you must also correct it on the questionnaire.

In the case of an institution or location of the floating population, the precise name of the institution or place must be written in the space provided e.g. Legon Hall, University of Ghana, Asankragwa Senior High School, Nsawam Prison, Agogo Hospital, Pokuase Mobil Filling Station, etc.

(A06b) NHIS number/ECG number/VRA number/other number - These are numbers given to the house/structure by other public organizations (electricity company, VRA, etc.) Copy whichever have been written on the house onto your questionnaire for that house/structure.

(A06c) and (A06d) Household contact phone number(s) - Write in the boxes provided the contact phone numbers of the household. If the household has two phone numbers record both. On the other hand, if the household has only one phone number, record the information on A06c and leave A06d blank.

(A07) Enumeration area code (base) - Copy this number in 10 digits from the enumeration area description (PHC 2) on all the questionnaires you use. Before going to the field you may copy this number at home on all the questionnaires you expect to use for a particular day.

(A08) Enumeration area type - Copy this number from 6b of the enumeration area description (PHC 2).

(A09) Locality number - Copy this number from the PHC 2 (7b and 9) or the number you have assigned (if locality was not originally on the PHC 2).