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H01 Type of dwelling: In what type of dwelling does the household live?
[] 01 Separate house
[] 02 Semi-detached house
[] 03 Flat/apartment
[] 04 Compound house (rooms)
[] 05 Huts/buildings (same compound)
[] 06 Hotel/hostel
[] 07 Tent
[] 08 Improvised home (kiosk, container)
[] 09 Living quarters attached to office/shop
[] 10 Other (specify) ________

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H01: In what type of dwelling does the household live?

This question refers to the place where the household lives (living quarters) i.e. the space occupied by the household. The living quarters is a structurally separate and independent place of abode. It could be a building or some form of space or shelter arranged for human habitation which was occupied at the time of the Census (e.g. a hut or group of huts). It may contain one or more households. The essential features of living quarters are separateness and independence. An enclosure may be considered as separate if it is surrounded by walls, fence, etc. and covered by a roof so that a person or group of persons can isolate themselves from other persons in the community for the purpose of sleeping, preparing and taking meals or protecting themselves from the hazards of climate and the environment. Such an enclosure may be considered as independent when it has direct access from outside the structure (e.g. from the street) or from a public or common staircase, passage or grounds, i.e. when the occupants can come in or go out of their living quarters without passing through any body else's living quarters.

Attached rooms having an independent entrance, or detached rooms for habitation and being used as part of the living quarters should be counted as part of the living quarters. Thus, living quarters may be constituted of rooms or group of rooms with independent entrances or by separate buildings.

01. Separate House: refers to a building, which consists of a single detached housing unit or a single detached living quarters. In some cases, facilities usually provided by a set of living quarters are located in two or more separate detached structures, such as when a kitchen is in a separate structure.

02. Semi-detached House: refers to a single housing unit that is attached to another single housing unit. The adjoining housing units would usually have a common dividing wall which extends from ground to the roof. Row houses are included under this category.

03. Flat/Apartment: is a dwelling/living quarters located in a building, which contains several sets of housing units. The Flat/Apartment building usually consists of several floors.

04. Compound house (rooms): refers to living quarters (room or set of rooms) which are located within a compound, typically referred to as compound house. (A compound need not be surrounded by a wall, fence or hedge).

05. Several huts/buildings (same compound): refers to living quarters made up of a group of huts or buildings located on the same compound which are being used as the place of abode by one or more households.

06. Hotel/hostel: This group comprises permanent structures which provide lodging on a fee basis and in which the number of borders or lodgers exceed five. Examples include hotels, motels, inns, hostels, etc. (Enumerate rooms as households where persons/households reside permanently in hotels/hostels).

[p. 50]

07. Tent: A moveable shelter made of cloth supported by a framework of poles and ropes, used especially by campers, Red Cross men or refugees.

08. Improvised Home (Kiosk/Container): An improvised housing unit is an independent makeshift shelter or structure built of waste materials and without a predetermined plan, for the purpose of habitation, which is being used as living quarters at the time of the census. Included in this category are squatters huts, kiosks, containers, etc. as well as any similar premises arranged and used as living quarters, which does not comply with general accepted standard of habitation. This type of housing unit is usually found in urban and sub-urban areas, particularly at the peripheries of principal cities.

09.Living Quarters attached to/inside the shop, office, etc.: This category comprises housing units that are located in buildings that have not been built/constructed for human habitation but which are actually in use as living quarters at the time of the census. They include housing units in cornmilling structures, warehouses, offices, shops, etc.

Premises that have been converted for human habitation, although not initially designed/constructed for this purpose must not be included in this category e.g. an old school block which later on is converted into living quarters, old cocoa sheds, etc.

10. Other (Specify): If a type of dwelling/living quarters does not fall into any of the above categories you must specify it in the space provided for Other (specify): Dilapidated buildings marked for demolition but which are still inhabited, caves and other natural shelters fall within this category.