Questionnaire Text

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(Households only)

A14 Status A _ _
A15 Status B _ _
A16 Status C _ _

A17 Total persons enumerated _ _ _ _

Status "A/B/C"

[] "A" Usual members present on census night
[] "B" Visitors present on census night
[] "C" Usual members absent on census night

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7.3 Who is a usual member of the household?

A usual member of the household is a person who (whether present or absent on Census Night) has spent at least the last six months with the household.

The following, however, must also be considered as usual members of the household, even though they do not satisfy the residential requirements:
a. Persons who have not spent the last six months with the household but who have the intention of staying there for at least the next six months, e.g. workers on transfer.

b. Seasonal workers who return home after a season.

c. Students in boarding schools or hostels except students who have spent six months or more before Census Night outside the country and those who were outside the country on Census Night and intend to stay outside the country for the next six months or more.

d. Soldiers in barracks where they are catered for as a group.

(A15) Total No. of persons enumerated as Status B: You must write and mark, in the box provided, the total number of persons enumerated in the household with Status B.

Note that A14, A15, and A16 are to be filled in for persons enumerated in households only.