8. Type of activity
Questions 8, 9, 10 and 11 are restricted to persons aged 10 years and over.
8a. Did you do any work for pay or profit during the seven days before census night?
Two boxes have been provided for this question and you should mark a cross in the appropriate box according to the answer you receive. If a person tells you that he did some work (as defined below) for at least one day or for unpaid family workers· three days during the seven days preceding census night, you should mark a cross in the box marked yes. Otherwise you should mark a cross in in the other box marked no.
Note that whenever the yes box is marked, column 8b should be left blank. This means that as soon as you mark the yes box you must proceed to ask question 8c.
Those who worked-For the purpose of this Census the following categories of persons should be regarded as working and the yes box marked.
Note that paid family workers should be classified as having worked in the usual way. You should also remember to exclude as family workers all persons aged 10 years and over who helped family members in their economic activities but were full-time students in educational institutions. These persons should be treated as students.
8b. If no, how were you mainly occupied?
This question is restricted to persons who did not do any work for pay or profit during the seven days before census night, i.e. those for whom the "no" box was marked. For these persons, four boxes and a dotted line have been provided and you are expected to mark a cross in one of the boxes or write down what the person did on the dotted line.
(a) Had job but did not work- Mark a cross in this box for any person who during the reference period did not do any work for pay or profit although he had a job to which he could return. Persons who come under this category may or may not be paid during their absence from their jobs and include the following who were temporarily absent from their jobs for any of the following reasons:
(b) "Unemployed"- Mark a cross in this box for any person who did not work and had no fixed job during the seven days preceding census night but was actively looking for work· (e.g. by visiting employment agencies, writing applications, seeing relatives for help in securing jobs, etc.). This category also includes any person who was not looking for work because he believed that no work was available for him.
Note that a person should not be classified as unemployed simply because he or she was without work during the seven days preceding census night. The person should, during the period, have been actively looking for work or should have given up looking for work because he had despaired of getting any work. Otherwise he or she should be classified as voluntarily unemployed (see below).
(c) A Homemaker- Mark a cross in this box for a person of either sex who was wholly engaged in household duties and was not paid for this work. If such a person traded one full working day in the
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seven days preceding census night or worked regularly some hours daily or engaged in some other economic enterprise (e.g. worked on a farm or in a beer bar) or did any part-time work (e.g. typing, dressmaking) for which the person was paid or did any work on the family farm or business for three days or more without pay, the person should not be classified as homemaker but should be grouped with the working population. You should not assume that a married person who did not do any work during the reference period is necessarily a homemaker.
(d) Student- Mark a cross in .this box for a person aged 10 years or over who is pursuing full-time education in an educational institution and for whom the "now" box has been marked in question
(e) "Other specify''- An answer which does not fall into any of the above categories, i.e., homemaker, unemployed, student, should be written down on the dotted line marked "other, specify". The main types of persons who come under this group are:
Note that the permanent and paid staff of educational institutions, hospitals, prisons and similar institutions should be regarded as working while the inmates even if they receive a small allowance should be regarded as not working and entered on the dotted line marked "other, specify".
Remember that the remaining questions, 9, 10 and 11 are for only those who during the reference period worked for pay or profit, "had jobs but did not work" and the "unemployed". ·