[6. The rest of the questionnaire is for persons age 14 or older.]
[12. If you are not currently working answer questions 13-16]
13. Have you ever worked?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No, check here and then go to Question 16.
15. What is your principal profession?__________
[17. The rest of the questionnaire is for persons who are currently working. If you have several jobs, only describe your principal job in questions 18-30]
25. If you are not a paid employee, what is your profession?
Be specific. For example, "Florist" rather than "Retailer"
28. In your job, are you a/an:
[] 1 Unskilled worker, a semi-skilled worker
[] 2 Skilled or highly skilled worker, workshop technician [technician d'atelier]
[] 3 Technician/engineer (non-executive)
[] 4 Category B civil service employee
[] 5 Supervisor, commercial or administrative supervisor, salesperson
[] 6 Category A civil service employee
[] 7 Engineer, executive
[] 8 Category C or D civil service employee
[] 9 Employee (for example: in an office, salespeople/clerks, in a restaurant or house)
29. What is your principal profession?
Be specific. For example: "Cashier" and not "Employee", "Head of client services" and not "Executive". If you are a state, territorial or hospital civil service employee, indicate your rank (unit, category, etc.)