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For all persons aged 14 or older

If have practice a professional activity, answer questions 12 through 15,
Including: If you help a family member at work, even if part time
If you are an apprentice under contract or a paid intern

If you are not currently practice a professional activity or if you are unemployed: answer question 16.

15. For paid employees

a. Indicate the professional category of your present job:

[] 1 Unskilled laborer or specialized laborer [manoeuvre ou manoeuvre specialisé]
[] 2 Specialized worker (OS, O1, O2, O3 ...)
[] 3 Qualified worker (P1, P2, P3, TA, OP, OQ ...)

[] 4 Employee
[] 5 Technician or draftsman/designer [dessinateur]

[] 6 Who manages workers or employees
[] 7 Who manages supervisors or technicians

[] 8 Engineer or executive/manager (employees, technicians, supervisors not qualified as executives/managers should not be listed here, even if they contribute to an executive pension fund).

[] Other

Give complete additional information: hierarchical position, coefficient, level, grade, scale [echelon]. Examples: team leader, female machinist in production work [mécaniecienne en confection], category C, turner (on a lathe) coefficient 155, ranked class IV, etc.

b. If you are an official of the state, of a local community [collectivité localor of a public service company (electric company, railroad, etc.) or a career serviceman, indicate your rank. Examples: treasury controller, postmaster 4th class, hospitality services representative

c. If you are an engineer, executive/manager, supervisor or technician, specify your principal job within the company or organization which employs you:

[] 1 General Manager or one of his/her immediate assistants
[] 2 Administrative job, financial or accounting
[] 3 Commercial job or technical-commercial
[] 4 Production, manufacture, construction site
[] 5 Upkeep, new works, maintenance, repair
[] 6 Studies, tests, methods, research
[] Other job