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For all persons aged 14 or older

If have practice a professional activity, answer questions 12 through 15,
Including: If you help a family member at work, even if part time
If you are an apprentice under contract or a paid intern

If you are not currently practice a professional activity or if you are unemployed: answer question 16.


a. Indicate your current profession or trade.
Be specific. For example: electrical maintenance worker, over-the-road truck driver, draftsman in electrical studies, chemical engineer, household appliance salesman, bookkeeper, etc.

b. Do you help a member of your family in his or her work?
Farm work, work as a craftsman; business, liberal profession; etc.

[] 1 Yes
[] 0 No

13. Do you practice this profession as:

[] 1 An employer or independent worker (director or co-director of a farm, craftsman, shop keeper, industrialist, member of a liberal profession, etc.)

Do you employ paid workers? Do not count either apprentices or people who live with you as household help. In the agricultural sector, only count permanent paid employees.
[] Yes. How many?

[] 1 1 or 2
[] 2 3 to 5
[] 3 6 to 9
[] 4 10 or more

[] No. 0

[] 2 An unpaid mother's helper/household help (spouse, child or other family member of a farmer, a shop keeper, etc.)
[] 3 An apprentice under contract
[] 4 Paid employee

Are you an employee who works at home for one or more firms
[] 1 Yes
[] 0 No

15. For paid employees

a. Indicate the professional category of your present job:

[] 1 Unskilled laborer or specialized laborer [manoeuvre ou manoeuvre specialisé]
[] 2 Specialized worker (OS, O1, O2, O3 ...)
[] 3 Qualified worker (P1, P2, P3, TA, OP, OQ ...)

[] 4 Employee
[] 5 Technician or draftsman/designer [dessinateur]

[] 6 Who manages workers or employees
[] 7 Who manages supervisors or technicians

[] 8 Engineer or executive/manager (employees, technicians, supervisors not qualified as executives/managers should not be listed here, even if they contribute to an executive pension fund).

[] Other

Give complete additional information: hierarchical position, coefficient, level, grade, scale [echelon]. Examples: team leader, female machinist in production work [mécaniecienne en confection], category C, turner (on a lathe) coefficient 155, ranked class IV, etc.

b. If you are an official of the state, of a local community [collectivité localor of a public service company (electric company, railroad, etc.) or a career serviceman, indicate your rank. Examples: treasury controller, postmaster 4th class, hospitality services representative

c. If you are an engineer, executive/manager, supervisor or technician, specify your principal job within the company or organization which employs you:

[] 1 General Manager or one of his/her immediate assistants
[] 2 Administrative job, financial or accounting
[] 3 Commercial job or technical-commercial
[] 4 Production, manufacture, construction site
[] 5 Upkeep, new works, maintenance, repair
[] 6 Studies, tests, methods, research
[] Other job

16. If you do not actually practice any professional activity, or if you are unemployed:

a. Are you:

[] 1 A mother or housewife
[] 2 Retired (non age-related) from business (former shop keeper, former farmer, etc.)
If you checked box 1 or 2, indicate your previous professions: ____
[] 3 High school or college/university student
[] 4 Unemployed
[] 5 If other, please indicate: ____

b. Are you currently seeking work?

[] 1 Yes

Have you ever worked?
[] 1 Yes
[] 0 No

[] 0 No