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Question 10: Farms
1. A farm is a production unit subject to an ongoing unique management, which is involved in agricultural production, is located in a determined place (a headquarters) and includes at least one hectare of arable agricultural land (workable land, prairies, other cultivation, other farmland, but not including woods/forests, heaths, building sites, parks and ornamental gardens)
- Or, otherwise, 20 units of specialized cultivation, (market gardens, flowers, vineyards, orchards, hops, tobacco, botanical nursery),
- Or, otherwise, very productive or well- known cultivation in a smaller area, for example, 10 units of vineyards which have been awarded a recognized status [appellation contrôle],
Or, otherwise, a certain minimum of animals (a milk cow, a mother sow, a broodmare),
This definition is applied regardless of the principal activity of the person who farms.
2. The agricultural building (type 1 building) which functions as the place of resident for the owner will be considered the headquarters/seat of management [siège d'exploitation].
3. As far as the orientation of agricultural production, it may be understood by "farm with a principal production" a farm in which a single one of the five indicated orientations on the first line/indent [alinéa] of question 10b provides greater than 2/3 of the total sales.