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4.3.7. Questions 9 and 10: Heating
A dwelling is considered to have central heating (check box 1 or 2 of question 9), when the different heating extension of each of the parts (or rooms) which make it up are supplied by a shared heating source (a furnace for example).
Central heating is:
- private (answer 1 on question 9) if the source of the heat is used by only a single dwelling,
- shared ( answer 2 to question 9) if the heat source supplies other dwellings in the same building or in the same group of buildings (Refer to page 4, question 9 of the house form).
Assimilated with private central heating (with answer 1 on question 9) integrated electric heating and central heating through hot air heating.
A heated dwelling by one single stove placed in one of its rooms is to be classified under section 3, "Other modes of heating" , although the source of heating is only for one dwelling.