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Means of Transportation Used
(for every person born before January 1st, 1962 who practices a professional activity or who is still in school)
19. Do you usually use a means of transportation in order get to your workplace or your classes?
[] No (work at home, distance made entirely by foot)
[] Yes: Indicate this (or these) means: for example: train, subway, bus, light rail, car, bicycle, moped, business vehicle, etc. If you usually use several means of transportation successively, indicate them in the order in which you use them beginning from your home:

First means of transportation ____
Second means of transportation ____
Third means of transportation ____

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5.6.7 Question 19: Means of transportation
This question is for all people who, born before January 1st, 1962, practice a professional activity or are currently going to school (people having declared a profession in question 12 or having answered YES to question 8). You will especially make sure that the students have not forgotten to answer this question.