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Professional activity (for all persons born before January 1st, 1954)
[Applies to questions 12- 18]

14. Do you practice your main profession declared in question 12 as:

[] 2 Owner, farmer, sharecropper.
[] 3 Member of a free-market profession
[] 4 Employer or self-employed: artisan, merchant, industrialist, etc. (self-employed, including managers of the S.A.R.L. [Société à responsabilité limitée] and people only working on commission).
[For any of the above options:]

Do you hire employees?
Do not count servants at home in your service. In agriculture, only count permanent paid workers.
[] Yes
How many?

[] 1 1 to 2
[] 3 3 to 5
[] 6 6 or more

[] 0 No

[] 5 Person working at home for one (or more) businesses.
[] 6 Apprenticed under contract.
[] 7 Paid worker : answer questions 15a, 15b or 15c below:

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Question 14: Professional status.
Category 5: "Worker at home for a total of one or more businesses" does not allow for people who work at their home for their own business (artisans, sewers, stylists). This category applies on the other hand to people who do work at their home, often as they will, for the affairs of an industrial or commercial establishment who reimburses them for this. Such is the case, for example of some newspapers designers, of people working for clothing industries or performing secretarial work for the affairs of some administrations, etc.