Questionnaire Text

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Place of residence on January 1, 1954

(Year of the last general census)

7a. Where were you living on January 1, 1954?

If you were in the armed forces, a boarding-school student or receiving treatment in a health-care facility, indicate your personal residence on that date, and not the address of the establishment (barracks, boarding school, sanitarium, etc.)

[] In the same city or town (or the same district within Paris [arrondissement]) as now.
[] In a different city or town (or a different district within Paris [arrondissement]).
Indicate the other city or town (or district within Paris): ____
and the state [departement] (or country): ____

7b. In the case of a child born after January 1 1954, indicate the residence of the parents at the time of the child's birth:

City or town:____
State [departement] (or country):____

7c. If, on January 1, 1954, you were living abroad or outside of metropolitan France, in what year did settle (or re-settle) in metropolitan France?


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Question 7a and 7b - Their purpose is to allow for the study of internal migration in metropolitan France from 1954 to 1962, i.e., between 2 general censuses. They will also provide information about foreign immigration or immigration from countries located outside of metropolitan France. In order to answer these questions, each district [arrondisement] of Paris is considered as a town [commune].

Question 7c - Make sure that this question is filled out for all persons who indicated a residence outside of metropolitan France on January 1, 1954 on question 7a.