(d) If doing (M), (UNEMP) or (SUBS) write (NA). For others, state Student, Not looking for work, Fulltime homemaker, retired, disabled, other - specify.
Question D14 - Type of activity last week
142. Question 14[a]
Did this person do any work for money last week?
A wage and salary job.
Business, shop, taxi/carrier business, repair shop
Grow things for sale
Raise animals for sale
Catch fish, collect shells for sale
You should write 'M' against money work. Include also persons who had a job but were either sick or on leave or did not attend work for some other reason.
For persons who did not work for money last week write 'NO' in this box.
145. For those persons responding with 'M' in D14[a], you should also complete
D14[c] Did the person do any subsistence work as well
D15 Describe the task performed last week.
D16 The type of activity, service or product produced at place of work.
D17 How was the person paid
fortnightly/monthly salary
by sale of crops, livestock
for job done
unpaid family worker
147. Question D14[d]
So far you have classified
person who has worked for money as well as 'SUBS'
person who was actively looking for work 'UNEMP'
person who provided for himself 'SUBS'
Therefore for persons who are classed in 14[a] as 'M' or 14[b] as 'UNEMP' or 14[c] as 'SUBS'. Write 'NA' in 14[d] box.
For other classify in one of the following category:
'NOT LOOKING FOR WORK' This category applies to persons who were capable of working but did not work last week and did nothing about finding work, either because they knew there were no jobs available or because they did not want to work.
Did this person do anything to provide for himself or herself?
If 'yes' then go back to either 14[a] for money work 'M'
or 14[c] for subsistence work 'SUBS' as appropriate.
Only if person did nothing and was dependent on someone else for food and shelter you should enter 'not looking'.
Disabled person who suffered some form of permanent mental or physical disability and cannot work.
When a person worked for money last week ie. 'M' in 14[a] or was 'UNEMP' in 14[b] or 'SUBS' in 14[c], write 'NA' [not applicable] in the box for 14[d].