H10. Tenure: The land
Is the land on which the living quarters is situated
[] 1. Owned outright freehold
[] 2. Leased from State
[] 3. Leased from NLTB
[] 4. Occupied without legal arrangement, state or freehold land
[] 5. Occupied Native Land with informal arrangement
[] 6. Occupied through traditional village tenure
[] 7. Other, specify _____
190. Question H10 - Tenure: The land
191. Ask,
"Who owns the land on which the household's living quarters is situated".
Insert the relevant code.
1. Owned outright freehold land.
2. Leased from state.
3. Leased from NLTB.
4. Occupied without legal arrangement. [State or freehold land].
People living on freehold or state land or reclaimed land [mangroves] should be included in here. People living without legal arrangement on Native Land should be included under 5.
5. Occupied Native land with informal arrangement.
This will include households which may occupy mataqali land and either pay rent or live rent free with the mataqali's permission. But there is no legal tenure or lease. Fijians living rent free on land belonging to another mataqali should be included here.
6. Occupied through traditional village tenure. These are Fijian households living on their own mataqali land and do not pay rent.
7. Other - generally household with special arrangement for use of land not classifiable under codes 1 through 6. Describe as the case may be.