Questionnaire Text

Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For office use:
Locality: ____
Household number: ____

Village/locality/settlement: ____
Household number: ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The interview and the questions

58. When you arrive at a house, greet the occupants and identify yourself as a census enumerator.

59. Ask, "Who is the head of this household?"

60. The head of the household is the person who is regarded by the members of the household as its head, and may be a man or a woman. If the head of the household is not present, ask for the next senior person.

[p. 8]

61. Explain that you must record particulars of everyone who was present in the household on census night.

62. First, enter the name of the village at the top right hand corner of the form.

63. Next enter the household number. You will allocate this number yourself. The first household you enumerate will be 1, the second 2, and so on upwards.

64. Then complete the main body of the questionnaire and finally complete the household section.

65. The instructions which follow deal with what is required and will help explain the notes printed on the questionnaire. Study them together.

66. The instructions also deal with the way in which you are to ask the questions. It is your job to learn them and to ask them as they are set out in these instructions and on the questionnaire. It is important that each enumerator should ask census questions in exactly the same way, otherwise there will be misunderstanding and mistakes.

67. As far as possible, obtain information directly from the person concerned.

68. Your first job is to make a list of all persons who were in the household on census night. Starting with the head of the household, if he or she was present, or with the person in charge of the household at that time.