Questionnaire Text

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For Indian households only
What language do the members of this household speak amongst themselves?
1 [ ] Gujerati
2 [ ] Gurmukhi
3 [ ] Hindi
4 [ ] Malayalam
5 [ ] Tamil
6 [ ] Telegu
7 [ ] Urdu
8 [ ] Hindustani
9 [ ] All other

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

21. Next you must fill in the section "For Indian Households only: What language do the members of this Household speak amongst themselves", which is at the top of the schedule on the left-hand side. To save you writing, the nine alternatives to this question have been printed on the schedule, with a small numbered square alongside each. To indicate which of these squares is the correct one for any particular Indian household, you should put a cross in the appropriate square, leaving the remaining squares blank. If, for example, the members of the Indian household speak Hindustani themselves, you should put a cross in square number 8. If the members of the Indian household speak Fijian or English, or an Indian language which is not shown on this form in everyday conversations, you should mark the square labeled "All other". Only one square should be marked for this question and for all households other than Indian household, this question should be struck out by drawing a line diagonally across the space it occupies on the schedule.