Questionnaire Text

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Section III: Detailed particulars of household members


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Column 22: What is (name's) ethnic group?
By asking the ethnic group of each member of the household, the name and appropriate code of the ethnic group should be taken from the list of ethnic groups and recorded in the boxes provided. If the respondent cannot tell his ethnic group because the meaning of ethnic group is unclear to him, an additional explanation about ethnic group should be given by asking "what is your race, origin, clan, or tribe?" To identify the names and codes for ethnic groups easily, two lists, "Names and codes of the main ethnic group list" and the "List of names and codes of the branch ethnic group" are given below. The recording of the codes for ethnic group will be as follows.

The name and code of the ethnic group indicated by the respondent should be recorded in the boxes provided. If there are people who do not want to identify their ethnic group, try to get the appropriate answer by asking the people politely. The appropriate code for the ethnic group indicated by the respondent should be recorded in the boxes provided by referring to the code from the list of the main ethnic groups. If it is difficult to obtain the code for the ethnic group from this list, it is possible to find the code for the ethnic group from the list of names and codes of branch ethnic groups.

The respondent's response may be the main or branch of ethnic group. If the response is the main ethnic group, the name and code of the main ethnic group will be recorded, and if the response is the branch of the ethnic group, the name of the branch ethnic group and code of the main ethnic group should be recorded by identifying which is its main/stem ethnic group. For example, if the response of the respondent is "Saynte", code 04 will be recorded in the space provided because the stem of Saynte is Amara, and the code for Amahara ethnic group is 04. Similarly, if the response of the respondent is "Cheha", code 27 should be recorded in the boxes provided because the stem of Cheha is Gurage.

A. List of names and codes of the main ethnic groups
Based on the main ethnic groups, all ethnic groups are listed in the list provided. The related names and branches of the main ethnic group are given in brackets because they have the same code. For example, Gondere, Tegulete, Saynte, Menze are listed in brackets after the main ethnic group Amhara , which is written outside the bracket because these ethnic groups are the branches of the Amhara ethnic group. To identity easily from the list, the main/stem ethnic groups are listed in alphabetical order.

List of names and codes of branch ethnic groups
This list is prepared to list alphabetically all the branches or related groups of the main ethnic group listed in brackets (for example, Erbore, Ulde, Mursie) in the list of names and codes of the main ethnics groups. The main ethnic groups (for example, Afar, Welayta) written outside the brackets alphabetically in the list of names and codes of the main ethnic groups are not listed again in this list.

If a respondent mentions an ethnic group that does not appear in the list of ethnic groups given, code 90, the code for "other Ethiopian ethnic group", should be recorded in the space provided.

List of names and codes of main ethnic groups (question 9)

01 Affar (Adal, Denakil, Denkel, Taltal)
02 Agew-Awi (Konfele)
03 Agew-Kamyr (Kamtang)
41 Alaba
04 Amara (Gondere, Gayente, Saynte, Farte, Gojjame, Dawunte, Walde, Laste, hewe, Tegulete, Jiruye, Yifate, Menze, Minjare, Bulge)
05 Anyiwak (Yembo)
07 Argoba
08 Ari (Bako, Ara, Shangamo)
06 Arborie (Arbore, Ulde, Murle)
19 Ganjule (Bacha)
09 Basketo (Mesketo, Anjila, Dolo, Tama)
10 Bench
32 Jebelawi (Berta, Benshangul, Wutawut, shogo, Undu, Meyu, Gebeto, Fakaro, Fakashi,
52 Bodi (Tumer)
13 Burji (Dashi, Bambala, Alga)
14 Charra (Tsara, Zara)
17 Dizi (Maji)
73 Dorzie
15 Dasenech (Geleb, Geleba, Marle)
77 Kulo (Dawuro, Omete, Domete)
22 Gidole (Derashe, Derashat, Gardula, Diraytat, Durate)
16 Dime
33 Fedashi
74 Gamo
35 Gebato
21 Gewada (Kule, Gobeze, Werzie, Alie)
20 Gedeo
34 Gamili
26 Guragie-Sodo (Kistane, Endegagn, Wacho)
75 Goffa (Genu)
24 Gumuz (Ganza, Ganzo, Bega, Baga, Say, Sese)
27 Guragie-shebat Bet (Cheha, Ener, Enemor, Ezya, Gumer, Gura, Megareb, mugger, Muher, Meskan)
23 Guagu (kuagu)
28 Hadiya
31 Hareri (Adere)
30 Hamer (Bashada, Bana, Karo)
63 Saho (Irob, Shaho)
37 Keffa (Kefficho)
40 Kembata
76 Konta
45 Koma (Komo, Hayahaya, Medin, Akuama)
46 Konso (Karate, Komso, Garate)
47 Koyra (Amaro, Kore, Amaricho, Baditu)
48 Kunama
53 Malie
78 Melo
50 Mao (Anfilo, Gewami, Bambishi, Koman)
29 Mareko (Libidi)
49 Meban
12 Mer
51 Me'en (Meken, Daim, Tishana, Me'enit, Manit, Shuro)
54 Messengo (Mejenger, Majang, Ujang)
38 Mocha (Shekicho)
55 Mossiya (Bussa)
56 Mursi (Mursu, Mun, Murdi, Murzu, Nyichalabong)
78 Melo
57 Nao (Naho, Toto,)
58 Nuwer (Abigar)
59 Nyangatom (Turkana, Bume, Men, Bum, Rogegeno, Tobola)
60 Oromo (Guji, Borena, Tulema, Kereyu, Gelan, Lika, Becho, Abichu, Selale, Arsi, Rayya, Mecha, Gerri, Ittu, Jille, Qotu)
62 Oyda
42 Qebena
36 Qechem (Qecheno, Gatsam, Haruro)
44 Qewama
64 Sheko (shako)
65 Shinasha (Boro, Shinicho, Dengebo)
67 idama
25 Guragie-Silte (Azernet, Berbere, Enekor, Alichona Weriro, Werabe, Welene)
68 Somalie
69 Suri (Surma, Tirma, Dama, Zilmam, Chima)
66 Shita (Sita, Lango)
11 She
70 Tigrawy (Tigre)
43 Timbaro (Kambaro)
71 Tsemay (Tsamay, Dume, Kuwele)
79 Weyto
72 Welaita
61 Werji (Tigre Werji)
80 Yemsa (Yemsa, Yangaro, Janjaro)
81 Zeyse
82 Zergula
91 Other Ethiopian national groups
92 From different parents
93 Eritrean
94 Djiboutian
95 Somalian
96 Kenyan
97 Sudanese
98 Other foreigners