Questionnaire Text

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40. What is the number of live births born by [person] in the last 12 months?

_ _ Total
_ _ Still living
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Columns 37 - 40: For All women Ten Years Old and Over

In these columns all women aged ten years and over will be asked the number live birth they have given and the number filled in these columns.

Before entering any data in these columns, it is important to understand the definition of "live birth". Live birth means a newborn baby has life as the time of birth. In general number of babies born live does not include abortion or still birth.

Columns 37 - 39: Total number of children ever born to [the respondent]?

For women ten years and over who has never had children born to them "00" will be entered in the card columns under columns 37, 38 and 39.

Column 37: Living at Home

Number of children by gender living with the household their mother is a member of will be entered in card columns 68 and 69 under column 37. Code "00" will be entered in card columns 68 and 69 for women aged ten years and over if the children do not live with them.

Column 38: Living elsewhere

In column 38 card columns 70 and 71 number of children living elsewhere will be entered by gender. If the children born to the woman do not live elsewhere then "00" will be entered in this column and in card columns 70 and 71.

Column 39: Dead

Number of children dead by gender, if any, will be entered in column 39 card columns 72 and 73. However if there are no children dead "00" will be entered in this column card columns 72 and 73. When filling this column it has to be noted that children dead means those who died after they were born.