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49. If yes in 48, what is the major material used for the construction of the ceiling?

[] 1 Fabrics
[] 2 Hard fabrics
[] 3 Chip board
[] 4 Wooden
[] 5 Cement or concrete
[] 6 Clipboard
[] 7 Other (Specify) ____
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Column 49: If the house has ceiling, what is it mainly made from?

The main type of material the ceiling of the house is made from will have to be identified from the list of codes of materials given below and circled and entered in card column 37. If encountered with a ceiling material other than listed here, record its name in line with "other" and enter code 7 in column 49 card column 37.

1 = Fabrics
2 = Hard fabrics
3 = Chip board
4 = Wooden
5 = Cement or concrete
6 = Clipboard
7 = Other (Specify) ____