Questionnaire Text

Argentina 1980 Jamaica 2001 Portugal 2001 Uruguay 2006
Argentina 1991 Paraguay 2002 Portugal 2011 Venezuela 2001
Argentina 2001 Peru 2017 Switzerland 2011
Hungary 2001 Portugal 1991 United Kingdom 2001
Argentina 1980 — source variable AR1980A_ESTSIZE — Establishment size
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C. Population

For all of the persons 14 years and more

[Questions 10-15 were asked of persons age 14 and older.]

Questions 11, 12, and 13 should be asked only of the person that responded to one of the first three choices in question 10. The answer should refer to the activity carried out between Monday and the Sunday before the day of the census.

[Question 11, 12 and 13 were asked of persons who responded to one of the first three choices in question 10: worked, didn't work but had a job, or looked for work having worked before.]

13. [Place of work]

C. The establishment where you work has

Only for persons who in question number 12 answered "Employee or laborer in private sector" or "Owner or partner."

[] Up to five people employed
[] More than 5 people employed

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C. Population

Census home is a person or group of persons, related or not, who occupy the same dwelling. You will write down first the name and surname of the head of the household, then ask all the corresponding questions.

You will ask the following questions to all persons 14 years old or older.

13. c) The establishment in which you work has
The total number of persons who work in the establishment should be considered including: employer, partners, members of the family of the owner, etc.

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_NUMEMP — Number of employees in work establishment
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For all women and men fourteen years of age or older.
[Questions 17-25 were asked of persons age 14 years +.]

[Questions 21-24 were asked of persons age 14+ who had a job last week (did formal or informal work or did not work due to sickness, vacation, etc.), per questions 17-19.]

21. In your main job, the one where you work the most hours, what position did you have in this occupation?

[] Owner or partner (has employees)

How many workers or employers are there in the establishment where you work?

[] 1 to 5
[] 6 or more
[] Unanswered

[] Employee or worker in the private sector

How many workers or employers are there in the establishment where you work?

[] 1 to 5
[] 6 or more
[] Unanswered

[] Employee or worker in the public sector

[] National
[] Provincial
[] Municipal
[] Unanswered

[] Domestic employee

[] Self-employed (does not have employer)
[] Family worker without regular income
[] Unanswered

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The next questions (from 17 to 25) are asked to all women and men 14 years old or older

21. In your main job, the one where you work the most hours, what position did you have in this occupation?

"Main job" is what a person has done for the most hours of the previous week to the week of the Census. If a person answers us that he/she is an "employer" or "laborer or worker of the private sector", we are going to investigate the size of the establishment where they work.

The establishment is a physical place (factory, building) where a person does their job. If a person informs us that he/she is "laborer or worker of the public sector", we ask if it is of the National, Provincial, or Municipal Administration.

We make clear with examples the concept of "non remunerated family worker": a daughter of a grocer who works there without having an established wage; a wife or children who help a rural farmer with the harvest, without receiving a direct payment.

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_WKSIZE — Size of establishment
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[Questions 20-36 were asked of persons age 14+.]

36. What is the total number of people who work in the establishment or place where you work?

[Questions 36 was asked of persons age 14+ who worked last week or had a job, per questions 24-26.]

[] 1 to 5
[] 6 to 39
[] 40 or more
[] Unknown

If female: continue with question 37
If male: end questionnaire [skip questions 37-40]

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Starting here, men and women who are 14 years old and more should answer the questions.

Follow the order of the questions strictly.

Pay attention to the sequence indicated by the arrows and the steps to continue asking the questions.

The questions 20 to 23 refer to the marital status of the persons 14 years old or more.

Question 36: How many persons are there in all in the establishment or place where he/she works?

This refers to the number of persons enumerated in the Census (including the person answering) who work in the place or establishment.

Take into account that here it asks for the number of persons in the entire establishment and not only for the number of persons who work in the section, office, or immediate area of the person answering the Census.

Hungary 2001 — source variable HU2001A_EMPSZ — Number of employees of employer
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Only for those who marked answers 10-11 in question 13
[Questions 15.1 through 18.2 were asked of those who marked answers 10-11 in question 13.]

15.2 Do you have employees?

[] 0 No
[] Yes, number of employees:

[] 1 1-2 person(s)
[] 2 3-9 persons
[] 3 10-19 persons
[] 4 20 or more persons

17.4 How many persons, including you, are employed at your workplace?

[] 1 Less than 10
[] 2 10-19
[] 3 20 or more
[] 4 Don't know

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Question 15.2: Do you have subordinated workers?

The answer should be answered by everybody not only by those working in managerial positions. The subordinated workers of a person are those laborers who are directly guided, managed by him, irrespective of the right of the. The private entrepreneurs should give the number of their employees.

Question 17.4: How many persons, including you, are employed at your workplace?

It should be anticipated that the enumerated person does not know the exact size of the working staff. Nevertheless it is requested to clarify the number of persons working together. This has importance mainly in case of the managers and entrepreneurs because this information will be taken into account in classifying the former categories. The answer "does not know" will be accepted only in case the enumerated person is not able to give even a rough estimate on the size of staff.

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_EMPSIZE — Number of persons at workplace (including respondent)
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[Questions 4.9 - 4.13 were asked of persons who were employed at the time of the interview, and were age 14 and older]

4.11 How many persons including yourself/ [the respondent] are working in the business or at the work place?

[] 1 1 person
[] 2 2-4 persons
[] 3 5-9 persons
[] 4 10-19 persons
[] 5 20+ persons
[] 9 Not stated

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Section 4: Economic activity
[Persons age 14 and older]

5.73 General
Section 4 is comprised of Questions 4.1 through 4.20, and should be asked to persons age 14 and older. The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals were in the working force of the country at some point in time.

This section is included in the sample coverage because it requires much more probing than should be undertaken for the short form. Economic activity in Jamaica has undergone some amount of transformation within the past two or three decades, whereby there has been a significant development of what has come to be regarded as the "Informal sector". People have in many instances moved away from the traditional jobs in the public and private sectors and have ventured into their own small scale businesses, some of which are being operated within homes.

You must pay close attention to the skip instructions at all times to ensure that you ask relevant questions. You will also need to pay close attention to the different reference periods stated. Questions 4.1 through 4.4 seek to identify the persons who worked. As we know that work means different things to different people, we try in these questions to establish clearly whether an individual worked or not within a particular week. These questions relate to the week preceding the Census date, as do Questions 4.5 through 4.13. Question 4.14 asks for a specific date. Questions 4.15 and 4.16 relate to the past twelve months, while questions 4.17 and 4.18 refer to the past 5 years. Questions 4.19 and 4.20 are relevant to persons of pensionable age and seek to determine the type of social welfare benefits or pension being received. Even if the person has never worked, he/she can be in receipt of social welfare benefits (as the beneficiary of a spouse).

It is important that the concept of work be fully understood.

Work includes:

(a) Work with pay, that is:
(i) Work for others for a wage or salary including commission or tips. Work may be done either in the employment of the government, a business organization, some private or public organization, or an individual. These correspond to the categories "Paid employee of government", "Private enterprise", or "Private home" in question Q4.6).

(ii) Work as trainee (such as nurses in training) or apprentice (persons at trade). This could also correspond to the same categories at is point (i).

(iii) Work for oneself in one's own business (including farm), which is run for profit or fees but does not employ paid help. This corresponds to "Self-employed without Employees" in question Q4.6. For example: odd job, hustling, buying and selling etc.

(iv) Work for oneself in one's own business (including farm), which is run for profit or fees and employs paid help. This corresponds to "Self-employed with employees" in question Q4.6.

(b) Work without pay in a business or farm which is run for profit that is:
(i) Work without pay in a business or farm run for profit (usually by a relative), in cases where the individual is either supported by the owner or obtains some benefits other than cash from running of business (see "Unpaid employee in agriculture" or any type of business in question Q4.6).

(ii) Work as an unpaid helper in a business or other organization, in cases where the respondent is learning a trade or profession in this way, with a view to engaging in work for pay (see "Unpaid employee in agriculture" or any type of business in question Q4.6).

Do not include as "working" those persons who:
(i) Work without money or pay for a relative or other person on tasks that did not contribute to the operation of a farm or of a business: e.g., housework, gardening, odd jobs around the house or yard, such as painting the fence, etc.

(ii) Work without pay assisting a relative or friend in his duties as an employee.

(iii) Work without pay either in cash or in kind as a volunteer worker for service Society for Blind, Operation Workshop.

Note also that "work" must relate to work in Jamaica. It includes, however, those persons who are residing in the territory but are on boats, ships, airplanes, etc., which may operate outside of the territory, as well as travelling salesmen, consultants, etc. Informal commercial importers who travel to the Cayman Islands buying and selling are to be included. Do not include the work done by persons going as contract workers to North America for a few months to work on farms there during the crop season. Other persons who live and work outside of the country should not be classified as having worked with respect to the time they were resident outside of the country.

[Questions 4.9 through 4.12 seek to determine specific information about the workplace of persons who worked during the week]

5.81 Question 4.11: Number of employees

Ranges are given and it is hoped that respondents can give a fairly good estimate based on these ranges. Remember the question asks for "Number of persons, including yourself". For self-employed persons who have no employees, score "1 person". In most instances you will expect to score also for domestic helpers.

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_NWKRS — Number of workers
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Chapter G.

For individuals 10 years of age and older

30. How many people work in the company or business?

[] 1 Alone
[] 2 2 to 5 people
[] 3 6 to 10 people
[] 4 11 to 50 people
[] 5 More than 50 people
[] 7 Doesn't know
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G. Population information
For persons 10 years of age and older

Question 30: Approximately how many persons work in the company or business?

You should read the options to the person being enumerated so that he/she can place himself/herself in one of them.

Peru 2017 — source variable PE2017A_EMPSIZE — Number of workers in the workplace including respondent (in primary job last week)
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Section V. Characteristics of the population (continued)

22. Last week at your place of employment, including yourself, were there:

(Read each alternative and fill in only one oval)

[] 1 From 1 to 5 people working?
[] 2 From 6 to 10 people working?
[] 3 From 11 to 50 people working
[] 4 From 51 or more people working?
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For persons of 5 years of age and older
[Questions 16 to 23 are asked of persons age 5 or older]

Question 22: Last week, at your place of employment, including yourself were there:

If the respondent does not know precisely the number of people who worked at his/her workplace, then ask for an approximate figure.


When there are branches in a business, organization or company and the respondent works in one of them, this question refers to the total number of people working in all branches, including the headquarters.

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_EMPSZ — Size of place of employment
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[Questions 4-28 were asked only of residents present at the time of the census.]

[Questions 18-28 were asked of individuals of age 12+]

[Questions 21-24 were asked of individuals who currently have a job (answers 1 and 2 in question 19) and to those not having a job at the moment, but express the desire to work (answers 1 to 8 from question 20.2)]

24. Number of workers

Number of persons regularly working in the company where you practice the occupation indicated in question 21.

[] 1 1
[] 3 2-9
[] 5 10-99
[] 7 100-499
[] 9 500 or more

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Note: For individuals that reside elsewhere different from where they are staying at 0:00 o'clock of April 15, 1991, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Applies to questions 4-28]

Note: Individuals younger than 12 years old end the filling-in of the questionnaire after question 17.
[Applies to questions 18-28]

Attention: Questions 21 to 24 are only for individuals who currently have a job (answers 1 and 2 in question 19) and to those not having a job at the moment express the desire to work (answers 1 to 8 from question 20.2).

Question 24: Number of workers

(Number of persons who regularly work in the company where you carry out the occupation indicated in question 21.)

The main objective of this question is to know the number of workers of a company or similar unit where the individual works (choose the main occupation if he has more than one).

If the individual was unemployed on the week of reference and wanted to work, he must indicate the number of persons that usually work for the last company where he worked.

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_EMPSZ — Size of place of employment
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[Questions 10-24 were asked of persons born before December 31, 1999, who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 and 9]

[Questions 17 to 23 were asked of persons age 15+ who ever attended school at a level higher then pre-primary, and consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 and 13]

23. Please answer the questions 23.1 to 23.6 if you are employed or looking for a new job. If it is not the case, go to 24.
[Questions 23.1-23.6 were asked of persons age 15+ who are employed or looking for a new job, ever attended school at a level higher then pre-primary, and consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3, 13, and 19]

23.6. Number of persons regularly working in the company where you practice the occupation indicated in question 23.1:

[] 1 1
[] 2 2-4
[] 3 5-9
[] 4 10-99
[] 5 100-499
[] 6 500 or more

Question 23.6 - Indicate the number of persons who usually work in the company or entity where you engage or engaged in the occupation stated in Question 23.1:

1. If you are own-account worker and work alone, indicate that here is one worker.

2. If you are own-account worker and work with one or more persons, you should indicate the size representing the total number of workers, including yourself.

3. If you work in a private company/organization or in a public company or institution, indicate the respective size representing the total number of workers in that company or institution.

4. If you are a civil servant, indicate the size representing the number of workers in the body where you engage in your occupation.

5. If you are performing Compulsory Military Service, indicate the size representing the total number of military personnel in the unit here you are serving.

6. If you were unemployed during the reference week, indicate the umber of persons usually working for the entity where you held our last occupation.

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Question 23.6 - Number of persons regularly working in the company where you practice the occupation indicated in question 23.1.

The main objective of this question is to know the number of workers of a company or similar unit where the individual works (with his main occupation if he has more than one).

If the enumerated was unemployed on the week of reference he must indicate the number of persons that usually work for the last company to whom he worked.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_ESTABSZ — Number of employees at workplace
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Individual questionnaire

Answer the questions 29 to 35 if you are employed, if you are unemployed and have already worked (use as reference the last occupation held. If you are not in one of the previous situations, go to question 36.

35. Indicate the number of persons regularly working in the company or organisation where you practise the occupation indicated?

If you work in a company with several establishments, you should indicate the total number of the company's workers. For example, if you work in a bank agency you should indicate the total number of the bank's employees and not only those working at the bank agency.
If you work in a public institution, you should indicate the total number of workers of the Directorate-General, or equivalent body.

[] 1 1
[] 2 2-4
[] 3 5-9
[] 4 10-19
[] 5 20-49
[] 6 50-99
[] 7 100-249
[] 8 250-499
[] 9 500 or more
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7.2.4. Individual

Questions 29-35 must be answer with reference to the same job

Question 35 - Indicate the number of persons regularly working in the company or organization where you practice the occupation indicated?
[There is an image of question 35]
You must count the people that regularly work in the establishments or its branches.
If a person is self-employed, mark that there is one worker. In case that the person works in association with one or more people, though self-employed, you must indicate the number of workers including the person themselves.
If the person works for a private business/organization or a public business or institution, you must indicate the range that corresponds to the total number of employees for that business or institution.
Example: a person that works for a business with four branches, each one with 5 employees, must consider 20 workers and mark the respective range.
[p. 143]
If the person is a clerk of Public Administration, you must indicate the range that corresponds to the number of employees according to the General Administration.
People who work in security or cleaning businesses must consider the total number of employees of the business in which they work, and not the place where they perform their duties.
Temporary workers must consider the number of workers in the temporary services company and not the number in their temporary positions.
If during the week in reference the person was unemployed but looking for a new job, you must indicate the total number of employees that were in the last job the person had.

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_UNITSIZE — Size of the employer in full-time equivalents

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

United Kingdom 2001 — source variable UK2001A_WKSIZE — Size of workforce
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[Questions 16 - 35 were asked of people age 16 to 74.]

[Questions 24 - 35 were asked of persons who are currently working or have ever worked.]

26. How many people work (worked) for your employer at the place where you wok (worked)?

If you are (were) self-employed, [check] to show how many people you employ (employed).

[] 1-9
[] 10-24
[] 25-499
[] 500 or more

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_EMPLOYES — Number of employees
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F. Work activity

Only for persons age 14 or older

F.2 Characteristics of the main job

75. How many persons work in the firm or institution?

[Question 75 was asked of persons age 14 or older who worked in a non-public sector, as per questions 69 and 71.]

[] 1 One person
[] 2 2 to 4 persons
[] 3 5 to 9 persons
[] 4 10 to 49 persons
[] 5 50 or more persons

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Characteristics of the main job

75. How many people work in the firm or institution?

This question determines the scheme of the working personnel of the firm that contracts them (in which the interviewee is dependent).

You must pay special attention that the question consults about the firm and not about the branch or specific establishment in which the interviewee works.

Venezuela 2001 — source variable VE2001A_EMPSIZE — Size of business where person works

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.