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22. Employment status
Mark the situation that you were in during the week from February 22 to 28, 1991.

If you were in more than one situation, mark as many as apply, up to a maximum of three. (For example, a person who was both working and studying should mark both Employed (2x) and student (8x).)

Classify as "employed" all persons who worked at least one hour during the reference week (February 22 to 28). Those persons who had a job or business from which they were temporarily absent (because of illness, vacations, etc.) during the reference period should also be considered "employed."
[] 1 Serving in the military
[] 2 Employed
[] 3 Unemployed, looking for a first job
[] 4 Unemployed, previously employed
[] 5 Retired (receiving a retirement pension or disability pension)
[] 6 Receiving a pension other than retirement or disability
[] 7 Permanently disabled and unable to work
[] 8 Student, including elementary, high school, and pre-school students
[] 9 Keeping house (unpaid)
[] 10 Another situation (minors not in school, persons living off rental income, etc.).

23. What is your occupation, your profession, or the work that you perform or performed?
First, describe in detail your occupation (for example: commercial employee, construction contractor, etc.). If you held more than one job during the reference week, describe your principal occupation. Next, in the table on page 22, find the number that corresponds to the description provided (in the previous example, _ 9 and 1 4, respectively).

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ Number in the table on page 22 that corresponds to this occupation

24. Job status
This refers to the person's status in the occupation described in the previous question.

[] 1 Business owner, professional, or self-employed person who employed personnel
[] 2 Business owner, professional, or self-employed worker who did not employ personnel
[] 3 Member of a work cooperative or employee of such a cooperative
[] 4 Person works without pay in the business of a co-resident family member
[] 5 Person who works in a permanent job, for a fixed salary, commissions, daily wage or other type of earnings
[] 6 Person who works sporadically or seasonally, for a fixed salary, commissions, daily wage or other type of earnings
[] 7 Other situation