Questionnaire Text

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12. Which of the following describes your current situation?
Refer to the week of February 22-28, 1981.
Mark with an X the box that corresponds to your answer.
[] 1 Fulfilling military service
[] 2 Working
-in a paid occupation, profession, or job.
-without pay, helping with the family business or farm, for 15 hours or more per week
[] 3 Looking for your first job
[] 4 Unemployed and looking for work, having worked previously
[] 5 Retired, collecting a pension, etc.
[] 6 Living off investments (living off income from rental properties, dividends, or other capital income)
[] 7 Elementary school student (including those enrolled in pre-school) or other student
[] 8 Keeping house
[] 9 Permanently handicapped and unable to work
[] 0 Other (e.g., children not in school, persons in the interval between school graduation and beginning a job search)

14. Your occupation in your principal job or profession
Provide a detailed answer, such as the following: day laborer on construction projects; wine store worker; administrative assistant; mechanic on assembly line; electrician; mining engineer; etc.
Professional rank/category (when applicable)
For example: apprentice; day laborer; assistant; first officer; negotiating head; director; etc.

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15. Which of the following accurately describes your situation?
Mark the corresponding box with an X.

[] 1 Owner, businessman, or professional who employs other personnel
[] 2 Businessman or professional who does not employ other personnel, or a person who is self-employed
[] 3 Member of a production or commercial cooperative, or an employee of such a cooperative
[] 4 Person who has a steady job, either for a salary, or as a day laborer, or working for commissions, or for any other type of remuneration
[] 5 Person who works occasionally or intermittently, either for a salary, or as a day laborer, or working for commissions, or for any other type of remuneration
[] 6 Person who works, without set pay, in the family business owned by members of the household where you live
[] 7 Another situation different from those described above