Questionnaire Text

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18. Answer only if the answer to question 12 was 2 or 7
(i.e., for persons who are currently working or who are elementary school students or other students)
Write the line number (the person's sequential number in the household) for each person who should answer this question.

Workplace or school location
1. Has no set place of work (truck drivers, traveling sales representatives, etc.). Do not place deliverymen, bus drivers, taxi drivers, etc. in this category; they should refer to the place where they pick up their vehicle for work.
2. Works or studies in this municipality.
3. Works or studies in another municipality. For those with an answer of "3," write the municipality and province where the person works or studies.

Mark the corresponding box with an X.

[] 1 Does not have a set place of work.
[] 2 In the same municipality where enumerated
[] 3 In another municipality
___ Municipality
___ Province
_ _ / _ _