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Part A: Housing conditions

Living quarter


[] 1 Apartment
[] 2 More than one apartment
[] 3 Villa
[] 4 Farm building
[] 5 One or more rooms in a housing unit
[] 6 Independent room or more
[] 7 Tent
[] 8 Grave yard enclosure
[] 9 Other
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On filling the type of living quarter, the enumerator has to regard the following:

It consists of one room or more in addition to the facilities. It has an outside main door, a living quarter that consist of two floors in some buildings, and is connected by internal stairs is one housing unit (apartment).

It is an independent building consisting usually two floors and is connected by internal stairs. It has a garden and often the villa is of a splendid type. The villa is considered as a one housing unit.

The rural house
A building that usually consists of one or two floors and contains one or more rooms and the outside door for the building is locked. It is not necessary that the building have a toilet as this is usually found in villages. The building is usually built of mud. The rural house is considered one housing unit, regardless the number of households.