Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
000 | NIU (not in universe) | X | X | X | X |
100 | None | X | X | X | X |
Pre-school | |||||
110 | Kindergarten | X | X | X | · |
120 | Pre-elementary | · | · | · | · |
121 | Grade 1 | · | · | · | X |
122 | Grade 2 | · | · | · | X |
123 | Grade 3 | · | · | · | X |
Primary | |||||
200 | Primary general | · | · | · | · |
201 | Grade 1 | X | X | X | X |
202 | Grade 2 | X | X | X | X |
203 | Grade 3 | X | X | X | X |
204 | Grade 4 | X | X | X | X |
205 | Grade 5 | X | X | X | X |
206 | Grade 6 | X | X | X | X |
207 | Grade 7 | X | X | X | X |
208 | Unknown grade | X | X | X | X |
300 | Primary vocational | · | · | · | · |
310 | Junior vocational (pre-1961 system) | · | · | · | · |
311 | Year 1 | X | · | · | · |
312 | Year 2 | X | · | · | · |
313 | Year 3 | X | · | · | · |
314 | Vocational junior certificate, unknown year | X | · | · | · |
Secondary | |||||
Code | Label |
400 | Secondary general | · | · | · | · |
410 | Lower secondary general (post-1977 system) | · | · | · | · |
411 | Grade 1 | · | · | X | X |
412 | Grade 2 | X | X | X | X |
413 | Grade 3 | · | · | · | X |
414 | Grade 3 (old MS2) | X | X | X | · |
415 | Grade 3 (old MS3) | X | X | X | · |
416 | Unknown grade | · | · | · | X |
420 | Upper secondary general (post-1977 system) | · | · | · | · |
421 | Grade 4 | · | · | X | X |
422 | Grade 5 | X | X | X | X |
423 | Grade 6 | X | X | X | X |
424 | Unknown grade | X | X | X | X |
500 | Secondary vocational | · | · | · | · |
510 | Senior vocational (pre-1961 system) | · | · | · | · |
511 | Year 1 | X | · | · | · |
512 | Year 2 | X | X | · | · |
513 | Year 3 | X | X | · | · |
520 | Higher vocational (pre-1961 system) | · | · | · | · |
521 | Year 1 | X | X | · | · |
522 | Year 2 | X | X | · | · |
523 | Year 3 | X | X | · | · |
524 | Higher vocational certificate, unknown year | X | X | · | · |
530 | Lower vocational secondary (post-1977 system) | · | · | · | · |
531 | Year 1 | · | · | X | · |
Code | Label |
532 | Year 2 | · | · | X | · |
533 | Year 3 | · | · | X | · |
540 | Upper vocational secondary (post-1977 system) | · | · | · | · |
541 | Year 1 | · | · | X | X |
542 | Year 2 | · | · | X | X |
543 | Year 3 | · | · | X | X |
544 | Unknown year | · | · | X | X |
550 | Teacher training | · | · | · | · |
551 | Province (Changwat) education certificate | X | X | X | · |
552 | Lower education certificate | X | X | X | · |
553 | Certificate in education or education (external), year 1 | X | X | X | · |
554 | Certificate in education or education (external), year 2 | X | · | X | · |
555 | Certificate in education or education (external), unknown year | X | · | · | · |
Post-secondary | |||||
Non-university | |||||
600 | Post-secondary | · | · | · | · |
610 | Vocational technical (teaching, nursing, other) | · | · | · | · |
611 | Vocational technical diploma 1st year or nurse 2nd year | X | X | · | · |
612 | Vocational technical diploma 2nd year, nurse 3rd year, or nurse diploma | X | X | · | · |
613 | Degree in nursing, educational vocational 1st or 2nd year | X | X | · | · |
614 | Degree in nursing, educational vocational 3rd year or diploma | X | X | · | · |
615 | Degree in nursing or educational vocational, year unknown | X | X | · | · |
620 | Vocational technical (teaching, other) | · | · | · | · |
621 | Vocational technical diploma, 1st or 2nd year (incomplete) | · | · | X | · |
622 | Vocational technical diploma (complete) or vocational education certificate 2nd or 3rd year | · | · | X | · |
Code | Label |
623 | Diploma in education (bachelor in vocational education) | · | · | X | · |
624 | Technical certificate | · | · | X | · |
625 | Vocational technical, unknown level | · | · | X | · |
630 | Nursing education | · | · | · | · |
631 | 1 year curriculum | · | · | X | · |
632 | Obstetrician certificate | · | · | X | · |
633 | Enrolled in year 1-3 of nursing diploma | · | · | X | · |
634 | Nursing diploma | · | · | X | · |
635 | Enrolled in year 3 of nursing bachelor | · | · | X | · |
636 | Bachelor in nursing | · | · | X | · |
637 | Unknown level | · | · | X | · |
640 | Higher level, lower diploma level | · | · | · | X |
650 | Higher level, diploma level | · | · | · | X |
660 | Short vocational education | · | · | X | · |
University | |||||
670 | Bachelor or diploma in education | · | · | · | · |
671 | Year 1 | X | X | X | · |
672 | Year 2 | X | X | X | · |
673 | Year 3 | X | X | X | · |
674 | Year 4 | X | X | X | · |
675 | Unknown year | X | · | X | · |
680 | General university or equivalent | · | · | · | · |
681 | Year 1 | X | X | X | X |
682 | Year 2 | X | X | X | X |
683 | Year 3 | X | X | X | X |
Code | Label |
684 | Year 4 | X | X | X | X |
685 | Year 5 or 6 | X | X | X | · |
686 | Unknown year | X | X | X | X |
687 | Bachelor degree | X | X | X | · |
688 | Master's degree | X | X | X | X |
689 | Ph.D. degree | X | X | X | X |
Other | |||||
700 | Religious studies | · | · | · | · |
710 | Third grade religion | · | · | X | · |
720 | Buddhism theology | · | · | · | · |
721 | Grades 3-4 | · | · | X | · |
722 | Grades 5-6 | · | · | X | · |
723 | Grade 9 | · | · | X | · |
730 | Scripture school | · | · | · | · |
731 | For general education | · | · | · | X |
732 | For Dharma | · | · | · | X |
733 | For Pali | · | · | · | X |
740 | Short course vocational education | · | · | · | X |
750 | Other education | · | · | · | X |
760 | Unknown level | · | · | X | · |
800 | Other, not specified | X | X | X | · |
999 | Unknown | X | X | X | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
Explore how IPUMS created this variable
Most IPUMS data transformations are performed using variable harmonization tables that specify how each value in the source data is recoded. Some variables also require programming logic in addition to the harmonization table. The harmonization documents for this variable are:
- Harmonization table
- No supplemental programming
- Instructions for interpreting harmonization documents
EDUCTH indicates the person's educational attainment in Thailand in terms of the level of schooling completed.
Comparability — General
The treatment of vocational education differs greatly in 1980 and 1990. Also, in 1977 Thailand's education system changed from 4-3-3-2 to a 6-3-3 structure:
- Before 1977, basic education included 7 grades in the primary level (P1-P4 and P5-P7), 3 grades in lower secondary (MS1-MS3), and 2 years in upper secondary (MS4-MS5).
- After 1977, basic education includes 6 years in the primary level (P1-P6), 3 grades in lower secondary (M1-M3), and 3 grades in upper secondary (M4-M6).
- In the 1970 and 1980 samples, the variable also identifies equivalences with the pre-1961 system, which had 4 grades in primary education (P1-P4) and 8 grades in secondary education (M1-M3, M4-M6, and M7-M8).
In particular, the first grade of pre-1977 lower secondary (MS1) is equivalent to the second grade of post-1977 lower secondary (M2), while the remaining two grades (MS2-MS3) are equivalent to the third grade of the new system (M3). In upper secondary, the old MS4 corresponds with M5 and old MS5 with M6.
Vocational education is offered both at the secondary and post-secondary levels. Lower secondary vocational (MS1-MS3) is available for those with primary complete and upper secondary vocational (MS4-MS5 or MS4-MS6) is available for those with lower secondary complete. Vocational education can also lead to an occupational certificate, such as a higher vocational diploma (which offers additional years of education after completing some vocational secondary level) or teacher training diplomas. In 1970, the variable also identifies a primary vocational level, which corresponds to the pre-1961 education system.
If a person finished short vocational education courses or vocational education that did not teach formal subjects or did not have a general education program (such as dressmaking, tailoring, car driving, radio repairing, etc.), those are not recorded as an additional level of formal education, except for the 1990 sample which includes a category for short vocational education.
The tertiary education level means education in university, college, cadet school, or other higher institutions considered at the same level of a university. A bachelor's degree usually requires 4 years for completion, but it could be shorter for people holding a diploma or who finished higher vocational education.
In 1990 and 2000, the variable also identifies people receiving religious education; in 1990, the religious education categories also include equivalences with the highest level achieved in the formal education system (primary, secondary, or university). All samples include pre-primary education, but only the 2000 sample distinguishes grades within pre-primary.
Finally, the category "other education" includes alternatives such as nursing, arts, physical education or other schools that are part of other government agencies (such as chemistry lab, train engineering, post office, navy, air force or police school, etc.).
- Persons age 5+
- Thailand: 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000
Questionnaire Text
Thailand 1970 |
Thailand 1980 |
Thailand 1990 |
Thailand 2000 |
15. School attendance and grade, as of January 1970
[] Attend school: ______ grade
[] Not attend school
[] Attend school but do not know grade
16. Highest grade completed as of 1 January 1970 (e.g. grade 1; grade 7; year in university or in technical institute; "never" if never completed any grade) ______
3.24 Education
Education levels can be categorized as follows.
a) Nursery (or pre-school)
b) Primary education: P1 - P4 and P5 - P7 (M1 - M3 of the old system).
[M = Mathayom means secondary level]
Upper secondary education: MS4 - MS5 (M7 - M8 of the old system)
[MS = Mathayomsuksa also means secondary level]
3.19.2 Vocational Education
b) Upper vocation: accepts those who complete M3; the curriculum is 3 years.
c) Higher vocation: accepts those who complete M6; the curriculum is 3 years.
b) Upper secondary vocational education: accepts those who complete MS3; the curriculum is 3 years. (MS4-MS5)
b) Higher vocational diploma: continues education from MS3 for 5 more years.
c) Vocational teacher training diploma: accepts those who complete vocational diploma or upper secondary vocational education; the curriculum is 2 years.
d) Secondary teacher training diploma: accepts those who complete higher vocational diploma; the curriculum is 1 year.
e) Higher certificate in technique teacher training: accepts those who complete higher vocational diploma; the curriculum is 2 years
f) Short-training course in vocational education (less than one-year curriculum): examples are Polytechnic school, technician school.
[From column 11 to column 16, record only persons who are 5 years or older. For children who are 4 years old or younger, write a dash.]
Columns 15 to 16: Education (See details in chapter 3 number 3.24)
Column 16: Highest education level completed
The highest education level/grade means the last level or grade that the person passed the final examination of that level before January 1, 1970.
Ask the level of education at which the person completed, and record the education level as follows.
Record the level of education such as:
2. Education in the current system, e.g. P5, P6, P7, MS1, MS2, MS3, MS4, MS5, etc.
Record the level of vocational education that the person completed or the certificates of vocation including the highest level of formal education that the person completed. Examples are: year 1 lower vocation (P4), year 2 higher vocation (M6), year 2 upper vocation (M3), MS2 vocational education (P7), MS6 vocational education (MS3), etc.
Record the level that the person completed or the diploma including the university names. Examples are: Year 1 Chulalongkorn University, Year 2 Thammasat University, Year 3 Cadet School, B.S., Certificate of education, etc.
Education systems are categorized into:
3.19.1 Formal education which is divided into
b) Primary education covers P1 - P4, and P5 - P7 (M1 - M3 of the old system). Since the 1978 academic year the coverage of primary education have included P1 - P6
c) Secondary education covers:
Upper secondary education: MS4 - MS5 (M7 - M8 of the old system) or M4 - M6 (since the 1978 academic year)
[Page 25 is omitted.]
p. 26
Level 2 is comparable to P4 learning for 6 months.
Level 3 is comparable to P7 learning for 1 year and 6 months.
Level 4 is comparable to MS3 learning for 1 year and 6 months.
Level 5 is comparable to MS5 learning for 2 years.
Before 1961:
b) Upper vocation accepts those who complete M3 learning for 3 years.
c) Higher vocation accepts those who complete M6 learning for 3 years.
Since 1961
- Late secondary education (MS4 - MS6) or vocational diploma.
c) Vocational teacher training is classified into
- Primary Vocational Certificate in Mechanics, 3-year curriculum, accepts those who complete MS3.
- Secondary teacher training
b) Higher Certificate in Education accepts those who complete certificate education, MS5, MS6 learning for 2 years.
c) Bachelor Degree accepts those who complete higher certificate education, or equivalent, or diploma learning for 2 years.
3.19.5 Other Education such as nursing (indicate the level e.g., degree, diploma, nurse assistant), arts etc. Other schools attached to other government agencies e.g., chemistry lab, train engineering, post office, low-ranked soldier school, navy school, air force school, or policeman school.
Column 8 The highest level of education
(Ask only persons 5 years and over, or those who were born before and in 1997 (Tiger year in the Thai Zodiacal calendar)
The highest level of education means the highest or last level of education that a person attained as of January 1, 1980)
Ask "What is your highest qualification, or highest or last level of education as of January 1, 1980?" Record the highest level of education as follows:
2. Secondary education:
Upper secondary education
MS4 - MS5 (M7 - M8 in the old system)
M4 - M6 (Since the 1978 academic year)
Record the last final exam of vocational education, followed by the highest general education program in parenthesis. For example:
Year 2 Advance vocational education (P6)
MS6 Vocational education (MS3)
Year 1 Technical vocational education (MS5) etc.
Record the year completed and name of university.
Year 2, Thammasat University
Year 3, Ramkamhaeng University
Year 1, Navy Cadet School
B.A. (Education), M.A. (Education)
B.Sc. (Engineering)
B.Sc. (Dentistry)
d) Those who study religion
Record the religious qualification in this Column. For example:
Second level religion
Buddhism Theology 4
Buddhism Theology 9
f) Never been educated, or never finished up of any years record "Never".
[Ask only person 5 years and over.]
S7. Highest Level of school attainment
What's [respondent's] highest level of school attainment? ____
Column S7: The highest level of education
Ask persons age 5 years or older (or persons born before 1 April 1985).
The highest level of education means the level or grade at which a person passes the last final exam. The question is: "........ (name).............., considering up to 1 January 1990, what is the highest level of education you completed?"
Instructions on recording the highest level of education in which a person attains
1. For a person who studies in general education program or a person who studies in pre-primary level, primary levels, and secondary levels, record the last level at which the person passed the exams such as kindergarten grade 1, primary school grade 1, primary school grade 4, primary school grade 5, secondary school grade 4, secondary school grade 7, etc.
For those who answer secondary school grades 1-6, if they completed those levels before 1971, specify the word "old system" at the end. For example, secondary level grade 6 (old system).
2. For those who studied/graduated from vocational colleges, teacher training colleges, or universities, and completed is the highest level required for that particular degree, which means that they graduated and received the certificates or degree diplomas, record the name or abbreviation of the certificates or degrees in which they obtained. Examples are Bachelor in political science, advanced drama arts, advanced education certificate, vocational education certificate, advanced vocational education certificate, technological education certificate, B.Sc, B.Ed, etc.
3. For those who attend vocational colleges, teacher training colleges, or universities, but did not complete the highest level required for that particular degree, record the class or year they completed and the current levels in which they are studying.
Instructions on recording the class or year of education attainment
3.1 If a person is studying in a system in which he/she must pass the final exam of a particular level in order to be able to study at a higher level, record the level or year at which the person last passed the final exam. For example, year 1 of advance vocational education, year 2 of Bachelor's degree, Chulalongkorn University, etc.
Example 2: Mr. Narong studied at Patumwan Mechanical College on the academic year of 1959. He passed all subjects of year 2 and was about to study in year 3. However, there was some unavoidable event that made him unable to continue his study. In this case, the highest education level of Mr. Narong is year 2 of higher vocational education.
3.2 If the educational system is a credit system, count the number of years in which the person attended or passed the coursework.
Example 2: Miss Somboon studied Sakon Nakon Commercial School in the academic year of 1998, and she was studying in year 1 of Vocational Education Program on 1 January 1990. The highest education level in which Miss Somboon attained is secondary school grade 3.
3.3 If the educational program has two programs (the regular program and the special program; or the normal hour and part time) and the part-time or the special program requires longer period of study, record the highest educational level according to the regulation mentioned above, and specify whether the program is the special or extra-hour program and record the number of the years of the curriculums as well.
3.4 For studies in the Bachelor's degree level, there are several curriculums for students with different previous education levels. For example, a 4-year curriculum is for students who finished high schools (secondary school 6), and a 2-year curriculum for those who had diploma or finished a higher vocational education program, etc.
To record the class or year of education attained, in the case of a 4-year curriculum, record according to the instruction mentioned above, but in the case of a 2-year curriculum, record according the above instruction and also specify the number of years required for that particular curriculum, for example, year 1 of Bachelor's Degree (2-year curriculum) or equivalently year 3 of Bachelor's Degree (4-year curriculum).
Use caution recording the class or year of education attained if it is not the highest class or year required to complete a particular educational level.
The class or year recorded must be lower than the number of years required for completion of that educational level. For example, in the Vocational Education Program, which is a 3-year curriculum, the highest class or year at which a person can attain is year 2 of Vocational Education Program. If a person completed year 3 of Vocational Education Program, it must be recorded as certificate of Vocational Education (Cert. Voc. Ed). In the case of a Bachelor's Degree which is a 4-year curriculum, the highest class or year at which a person can attain is year 3 of Bachelor's Degree, even though that person may have spent more than 3 years of study. If record year 4 of Bachelor's Degree, it means that the person has already graduated or already obtained that degree. In the latter case, record the name or the abbreviation of the degree.
4. For those who obtained their education from abroad, if the education system is basic compare the level of education with the Thai system of primary education (Pathom Suksa) or secondary education (Mathayom Suksa). If the system is not comparable, then specify the number of years of the studies in the basic education system. For those who graduated in a vocational education, teacher training and university levels, record the name of the certificate, diploma, or degree received, and write the equivalence of the Thai educational level in parenthesis.
5. For those who receive more than one certificate, diploma or degree at the same level but different fields, record only one degree. However, if a person receives many degrees of different levels, record only the degree of the highest level.
6. For those who study religion, record the religious degree and also record the highest educations level attained that is not a religions degree in parenthesis. For example:
Second grade religion (Bachelor's Degree)
Buddhism Theology 4 (Vocational Education)
Buddhism Theology 9 (Secondary school, grade 3)
7. For those who finished the continuing educational program (for adults), record the education level at which they passed the exam such as level 3, or record the equivalent level in the basic education system. For example, level 4 is equivalent to secondary school grade 3, then record secondary school 3, etc.
8. For those who finished short vocational education programs that have less than one year of curriculum but received diplomas or certificates, record the field of that vocational program and also record the highest level attained in the basic education system. Example:
Mechanic curriculum, Polytechnic College (Primary school, grade 4)
Beauty curriculum, Anna School (Primary school, grade 4)
9. For those who have never been educated or never completed any years/levels, including informal education such as studying from the monk or studying foreign languages in language institutes, record "Never".
10. If the person does not know, record "X".
For persons 5 years and over
[Questions S11-12 were asked of all individuals 5 years and older]
S12. _ _ Highest Level of School Attainment as of 1 January 2000
Column S11 and S12 ask only persons 5 years and over
[Questions S11 and S12 were asked of persons 5 years and over]
Column S12 The highest level of education (up to January 1st, 2000).
[p. 97]
Procedure for recording the form
The question asked [of respondent] will be: "Considering up to January 1st, 2000, what is your highest level of education?"
Record the highest level of education that a person attained.
1. The person studies in a general education program, or the person studies in school before the primary education, junior secondary school, and senior secondary school
3.1 If a person is studying in a system where he/she must take and pass the final exam in order to be elevated to the higher level or year:
[p. 98]
Year 1 Advance Vocational Education, Year 2 Bachelor's degree, Chulalongkorn University.
Example 1: Mr. Kitti studied at Chulalongkorn University since 1957, but was expelled from the university in 1959 because he did not pass the course in year 2.
Example 1: Mr. Sukit studied at Chetupon Commercial College since the academic year of 1997. He was studying in year 3 of the Vocational Education Program on January 1st, 2000.
Example : Miss Pornthip is studying in the part-time program of the Higher Vocational Education at a college where the curriculum requires two years for completion if it is a regular program (normal hour). However, in the part-time program the requirement of the curriculum is 3 years for completion. Miss Pornthip is studying in year:
[p. 99]
For example:
In the Vocational Education Program where there are 3-year curricula, the class or year at which a person finished must be recorded as year 2 Vocational Education Program. However, if a person completed year 3 Vocational Education Program, it must be recorded as certificate of Vocational Education, or Cert. Voc. Ed.
In the case of the Bachelor's Degree where there is a 4-year curriculum, the class or year at which a person finished must not be higher than year 3 Bachelor's Degree, even though that person spent more than 3 years studying. If record 4 years Bachelor's Degree, this means that a person already graduated or obtained a qualification from that particular educational level. In the latter case, record the name or the abbreviation of the degree. For the Bachelor's Degree that has more than 4-year curricula, record the highest year of education and write the number of years of the curriculum in parenthesis.
4. For those who graduated abroad, if the education level is basic:
[p. 100]
Third grade religion