Questionnaire Text

Senegal 1988
Senegal 2002
Senegal 2013
Senegal 1988 — source variable SN1988A_EDLEV2 — Grade of education
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For persons aged 6 years and above, or born before 1982
[Questions 15 through 21 were asked of persons age 6 and older]

P16. Level of education

Circle the highest grade completed

[] 00 None
[] 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 Primary
[] 07, 08, 09, 10 Secondary, first cycle
[] 11, 12, 13 Secondary, second cycle
[] 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 University
[] 19 Other

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P16) Level of education
The question applies to all persons aged 6 years and above, that is those born before 1982.
Ask the following question: "Have you ever been - or do you currently go - to a school where the teaching is in French?"

If the answer is yes, then ask:
"What is the last grade completed, or the grade you are currently enrolled in?" Then circle the code corresponding to the answer given.

For a pupil in fifth grade of primary school (CM2), or for a person who does not go to school any longer, but whose last grade completed was fifth grade of primary school (CM2), circle "06"
For a student in ninth grade, secondary school (4eme), or for a person who does not go to school any longer, but whose last grade completed was ninth grade, secondary school (4eme), circle "09"
For a student in Bachelor's year at the university (License), or for a person who does not go to school any longer, but whose last grade completed was Bachelor's year at the university (License), circle "16"

If the person had been to a technical or vocational school, circle the number of years of studies in that school.
For a student who finished the first year of the "School of Police" (Section of Constables), circle "07"
For police inspectors, circle "11".
For Civil Administrator, who completed the National School for Administration and Magistrate in Senegal (ENAM), circle "18".
For a person who is in the second year ITS of ENEA, circle "15" (13 years before entering the ENEA school + 2 years within ENEA)
For a person who completed the National School for Nurses (EIIE), circle "13" (10 years before entering the school + 3 years within the school.

If the answer is "no", ask the following question: "Have you been to a school where the teaching is done in another language?"
If the answer is "no", circle "A 00"
If the answer is "yes", circle "19".
If the person only went to Koranic school, circle "A 00"

Senegal 2002 — source variable SN2002A_EDLEV — Level of education
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For individuals 3 years of age and older
[Questions B14-B15 are asked only to those 3 years and older]

[If B14=FR, FA, or AUT go to B15; otherwise, go to B16]

B15. Level of education

Write the code corresponding to the highest grade completed, or to the current grade.

[] 00 None
[] 01 Pre-school / kindergarten
[] 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07 Primary
[] 08, 09, 10, 11 Secondary, first cycle
[] 12, 13, 14 Secondary, second cycle
[] 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 University / higher education

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Note: the following questions (B14 and B15) apply only to persons aged 3 years and above. Write an oblique hyphen for all the persons aged less than 3 years.

B15 - Level of education

The question applies to all persons aged 3 years and above, and who were enrolled or are currently enrolled in a formal teaching school (French, Franco-Arabic or Others).

Then circle the code corresponding to the answer given.

[] 00 None
[] 01Pre-school / kindergarten

Primary (elementaire):
[] 02 Preschool (CI)
[] 03 First grade (CP)
[] 04 Second grade (CE1)
[] 05 Third grade (CE2)
[] 06 Fourth grade (CM1)
[] 07 Fifth grade (CM2)

Secondary first cycle (moyen)
[] 08 Sixth grade (6eme)
[] 09 Seventh grade (5eme)
[] 10 Eighth grade (4eme)
[] 11 Ninth grade (3eme)

Secondary second cycle (secondaire)
[] 12 Tenth grade (Seconde)
[] 13 Eleventh grade (Premiere)
[] 14 Twelfth grade (Terminale)

University / Higher education (superieur)
[] 15 Higher, first year
[] 16 Higher, second year
[] 17 Higher, third year (Bachelors) [Licence] or equivalent
[] 18 Higher, fourth year (Master's) [Maitrise] or equivalent
[] 19 Higher, fifth year or more

- For a student currently in grade 5 (CM2), or for a person who does not go to school any longer, but who stopped in grade 5 (CM2), write "07"
- For a student currently in grade 8 (4eme), or for a person who does not go to school any longer, but who stopped in grade 8 (4eme), write "10"
- For a student currently in third year university, or for a person who completed his or her studies at the same level, write "17".
- If a person went to technical or vocational school, try first to determine the level by comparison, write the number years of schooling in this school. (A list of correspondence between the levels of schools will be given to you).

Remarks: For persons who no longer go to school, take the last grade completed.

Senegal 2013 — source variable SN2013A_EDLEV — Level of education
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B. Individual characteristics

Population aged 3 or older.
[Questions B29 through B32 were asked of resident persons age 3 and older.]

B32. Level of education

What was the last class or current class attended by [the respondent]? Enter the code corresponding to the answer given by following the instructions at the bottom of the page)
[] 01 First year of preschool
[] 02 Second year of preschool
[] 03 Kindergarten
[] 04 Initiation course (IC)
[] 05 Preparatory course (PC)
[] 06 Elementary course 1st year (CE1)
[] 07 Elementary course 2nd year (CE2)
[] 08 Middle school (''Cours moyen'') 1st year (CM1)
[] 09 Middle school (''Cours moyen'') 2nd year (CM2)
Secondary school, first cycle
[] 10 Sixth (6th)
[] 11 Fifth (5th)
[] 12 Fourth (4th)
[] 13 Third (3rd)
Secondary school, second cycle
[] 14 Second
[] 15 First
[] 16 Final year of secondary school
Higher education
[] 17 1st year
[] 18 2nd year
[] 19 Bachelor's / 3rd year
[] 20 Master's / 4th year
[] 21 DEA / 5th year
[] 22 6th year
[] 23 7th year
[] 24 8th year and higher
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4.2. Part B: individual characteristics

B32: level of instruction
This question is for anyone aged 3 years and over who has attended or is still attending a formal educational institution (French; Franco-Arabic and other).
Record the code corresponding to the last class followed or the current class:

01 02 03 (first, second, and third grade)
04 Introductory course (CI);
05 Preparatory course (CP);
06 Elementary course first year (CE1);
07 Elementary course second year (CE2);
08 Middle course first year (CM1);
09 Middle course second year (CM2).
[p. 43]
Middle (first cycle of secondary)
10 First year (6th);
11 Second year (5th);
12 Third year (4th);
13 Fourth year (3rd).
Secondary (second cycle of secondary)
14 Second class;
15 First class;
16 Terminal class.
17 First year of higher;
18 Second year of higher;
19 Third year of higher (license) or equivalent;
20 Fourth year of higher (master's) or equivalent;
21 Fifth year of higher (master 2);
22 Sixth year of higher (1st year of doctoral cycle);
23 Seventh year of higher (2nd year of doctoral cycle);
24 Eighth year of higher (3rd year of doctoral cycle).

Example: For a student currently attending the CE2 class or for a person who no longer attends but whose studies have finished at the CE2 class, record 07.
For a person currently attending the fourth year of middle school or for a person no longer attending school and whose studies have been completed at the 4th year of middle school, record 12.
For a person who is currently attending the university's license year or for a person who has completed his or her studies in the university's undergraduate year, enter 19.
If the person attended a vocational school, first try to determine the level by analogy and then enter the number of years of study completed at that school.
NB: The following questions (from B33 to B40) are addressed to anyone aged 6 years and over.