Questionnaire Text

Sierra Leone 2004
Sierra Leone 2015
Sierra Leone 2004 — source variable SL2004A_EDATTAIN — Highest education level attained
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[Questions P19-P21: Persons age 6 years and older]

P20. Highest level attained
What is the highest level that [the respondent] attained?

[Question P20 was asked of persons age 6 or older who have ever attended school, per question P19]

[] 01 None
[] 11 Kindergarten
[] 21 Primary 1
[] 22 Primary 2
[] 23 Primary 3
[] 24 Primary 4
[] 25 Primary 5
[] 26 Primary 6
[] 31 JSS 1-3
[] 41 SSS 1-3
[] 51 Vocational/commercial
[] 61 Teacher training (TC/HTC)
[] 62 Technical (OND, HND)
[] 63 Nursing (up to SRN)
[] 71 Tertiary (certificate/diploma)
[] 72 Tertiary (first degree)
[] 73 Tertiary (post-graduate)
[] 81 Koranic
[] 92 Other (specify) ____

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Columns P19 - P21) -- Education and literacy (Persons age 6 or older)

P20 -- Highest level attained
116. This question is applicable only to respondents who, in P19, answered that they had been or were still in school. It does not apply to persons who never went to school.

117. Ask: "What is the highest level that he/she attained?" i.e. highest grade/level completed). Record the appropriate code (refer to the code list).

118. If a person went to a primary school or is still attending primary school, state the level or highest class he/she has passed. His or her present class is not the highest class passed. For example, if respondent is in class 4, the highest level attained is class 3 and therefore enter 05 [or 23] in the appropriate column.

119. Similarly if the respondent is in JSS 1, the highest class passed is class 6 and therefore enter code 08 [or 26] in the column relating to that respondent. The technique here is that the highest class passed at all levels is the class immediately below the present class of the person.

120. A University undergraduate with no other qualification other than completed secondary, will have code 10 [or 41] recorded.

[Questions P19 - P21: Persons age 6 or older]

P20 Highest level attended
What is the highest level that [the respondent] attained?

[] 01 None
[] 11 Kindergarten
[] 21 Primary 1
[] 22 Primary 2
[] 23 Primary 3
[] 24 Primary 4
[] 25 Primary 5
[] 26 Primary 6
[] 31 JSS 1 - 3
[] 41 SSS 1 - 3
[] 51 Vocational / comm
[] 61 Teacher training (TC / HTC)
[] 62 Technical (OND, HND)
[] 63 Nursing (up to SRN)
[] 71 Tertiary (certificate / diploma)
[] 72 Tertiary (first degree)
[] 73 Tertiary (post-graduate)
[] 81 Koranic
[] 92 Other (specify)

Sierra Leone 2015 — source variable SL2015A_EDATTAIN — Highest education attained
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[Section II was answered for all persons who selected living in occupied housing units in question I15]

3 years and above [Questions P22-P24]

P24. What is the highest level of education [the respondent] ever attended and grade completed?

Answered only if the respondent indicated that they had ever attended school in P22.

[] 0 Kindergarten
Grade completed:
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 1 Primary
Grade completed:
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 2 JSS
Grade completed:
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 3 SSS
Grade completed:
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 4 Vocational/tech/nursing/teacher
Grade completed:
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 5 Higher (First degree)
Grade completed:
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 6 Tertiary (Post-graduate)
Grade completed:
[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 7 Koranic
Grade completed: 81
[] 8 Other
Grade completed: 92
[] 9 Don't know
Grade completed: 98
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Section 2: Population characteristics

Columns (P01) to (P20) -- These should provide particulars of all persons who slept in the household on census night. The questions therefore apply to all persons irrespective of age or sex, except P13 which applies to persons 5 years and above.

Columns (P22-- P24) -- Education (for all persons 3 years and over)
131. Persons aged less than 3 years are not concerned with questions P22 to P24.

P24- Highest level attended and grade completed
136. This question is applicable only to respondents who, in P22, answered that they had been to school. It does not apply to persons who never went to school.

137. Ask, "What the highest level (name) attended and grade that (name) completed?" (I.e. highest level attended and grade completed). Record the appropriate code (See codes below).

[Table omitted, table of highest level and grade attained]


138. If a person went to a Primary School or is still attending Primary School, state the grade or highest class he/she has completed. His or her present class is not the highest class completed. For example, if a respondent is in class 4, the highest grade attained is class 3 and therefore enter '1' for the level, followed by '3' for the grade completed in the appropriate column.

139. A respondent who is in JSS 1 will have 2 (JSS) recorded for the level and "0" for grade completed at that level.

140. Similarly, a university undergraduate with no other qualification other than completed secondary and currently in his/her first year at university will have '4' recorded for the level and '0' for grade completed at that level. A student in year '2' at the university should have '5' and '1' recorded for him/her. A university graduate (first degree) should have ' 5' and '04' recorded for him/her, and a Masters degree holder should have '6' and '2' recorded. A P.H.D. holder should have '6' and '05' recorded for him/her.