Questionnaire Text

Portugal 1981
Portugal 1991
Portugal 2001
Portugal 2011
Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

[Questions 10-11 were asked of persons who are attending or ever attended school, per question 9]

10. Level of education

Indicate the level of education that you are attending or the highest that you attended (even if didn't complete):

[] 1 Basic - Elementary school ([1st degree] 4 years)
[] 2 Basic - Preparatory school ([2nd degree] 2 years, direct of distance preparatory cycle, former 1st cycle of school, former preparatory cycle in technical schools, etc.)
[] 3 Unified secondary ([1st degree] unified course, general courses - academic, commercial, industrial, visual arts, and agricultural, former 5th year in school or equivalent)
[] 4 Complementary secondary ([2nd degree] 11th grade, 2nd complementary year -academic, commercial, industrial, visual arts, and agricultural - former 7th year of school, former preparatory sections in commercial and industrial courses and equivalent)
[] 5 Preparation year for university or 12th grade
[] 6 Professional courses
[] 7 Post-secondary courses (teaching school for preschool or primary)
[] 8 Tertiary courses
Question 10 - Level of education
  • Professional courses. For example, courses for: Secretary, Manager's Assistant, Correspondent, Foreign Languages and Translator-Interpreter, Education Agent, General Accounting, Special Painting Activities, etc.
  • If you are enrolled in more than one course, indicate the one that is most closely related to your professional activities. If you are unemployed, chose the course with which you feel more vocation.
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Important: Individuals not residing in the dwelling where they spend 16 March 1981, at 00:00 hours, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

[Questions 10-11 were asked of person who are attending or ever attended school, per question 9]

Question 10 - Level of education

The individual must indicate the level of education that he/she is attending or the highest level of education reached, even if he did not complete it.

Basic - Elementary school (1st degree - 4 years) corresponds to the first four years of school.
Basic - Preparatory school (2nd degree - 2 years) includes the fifth and sixth year of school.
Secondary - 1st degree, includes the seventh, eighth and ninths years of school.
Secondary - 2nd degree, includes the tenth and eleventh years of school.
Access year (preparation year for university) - equivalent to the senior year in high school.
Professional courses - includes those situations of old courses of low degree and with a strong professional vocation.
Post-secondary courses - includes those situations of old courses of medium degree, like for example primary school teacher, old commercial studies, etc.
Tertiary courses (university degrees) - includes bachelor, licentiate, master, and doctoral degrees.

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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[Questions 4-28 were asked only of residents present at the time of the census.]

10. Level of education

[] 1 Pre-Primary
[] 2 Basic -- 1st degree
[] 3 Basic -- 2nd degree
[] 4 Secondary -- 1st degree
[] 5 Secondary -- 2nd degree
[] 7 Post-secondary
[] 8 Tertiary -- 1st and 2nd degree
[] 9 Tertiary -- 3rd and 4th degree

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Note: For individuals that reside elsewhere different from where they are staying at 0:00 o'clock of April 15, 1991, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Applies to questions 4-28]

Question 10: Level of education

The individual must indicate the highest level of education reached, even if he/she did not complete it and whether or not she is attending it.

Pre-Primary -- education level given to children 3 years old or younger and that are not on compulsory school age.

Basic -- 1st degree -- corresponds to the first four years of school.

Basic -- 2nd degree -- includes the fifth and sixth years of school.

Secondary -- 1st degree -- includes the seventh, eighth and ninth years of school.

Secondary -- 2nd degree -- includes the tenth, eleventh and twelfth years of school.

Post-secondary -- includes those situations of old courses of medium degree, like for example primary school teacher, old commercial studies, etc.

Tertiary -- 1st and 2nd degrees (Bac. and Lic.) -- includes bachelor and licentiate degrees

Tertiary -- 3rd and 4th degrees (Master and PhD.) -- Master and Doctor in Philosophy degrees

For individuals that attended or are attending professional courses, we can encounter one of the following two situations:

a) If the course has equivalence with the official education bureau, we assign the education level that corresponds to that course,

b) If the course has no equivalence with the official education bureau, we must assign the education level that the individual had before the course.

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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[Questions 3.1-21 were asked of persons who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to question 3]

[Questions 10-24 were asked of persons born before December 31, 1999, who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 and 9]

13. Highest education level that you attend or have attended:

[Question 13 was asked of persons who ever attended school, were born before December 31, 1999, and consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 , 9 and 12]

[] 11 Pre-Primary
[] 12 Basic - 1st degree
[] 13 Basic - 2nd degree
[] 14 Basic - 3rd degree
[] 15 Secondary
[] 16 Post-secondary
[] 17 Tertiary - 1st degree (Bac.)
[] 18 Tertiary - 2nd degree (Lic.)
[] 19 Tertiary - 3rd degree (Master)
[] 20 Tertiary - 4th degree (Phd)

Question 13 - (Please indicate the) highest education level that you attend or have attended.

1. If you no longer study but attended classes, indicate the highest level of education you achieved, even if you did not complete it.
2. If you are studying, indicate the level of education you are attending.

Pre-school - classes taught to children aged 3 or more and who have not reached the compulsory school age.

Basic education (lower primary), 1st degree - represents the first 4 years of compulsory education, formerly called the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th years of primary school.

Basic education (upper primary), 2nd degree - includes the following: preparatory degree (5th and 6th years of schooling), preparatory degree of Tele-education, formerly the 1st degree of grammar school (1st and 2nd years), complementary degree of primary education (5th and 6th classes), preparatory degree of the former technical schools.

Basic education (lower secondary), 3rd degree - includes any one of the following: 7th, 8th and 9th years of schooling, technical-vocational secondary education (commercial, industrial, agricultural, visual art programs, etc.), the former general lyceum program (formerly, the 3rd, 4th and 5th years of schooling).

(Upper) secondary - includes the following: 10th, 11th and 12th years of schooling, preparatory sections of the complementary technical vocational programs (commercial, industrial programs, etc.), former complementary lyceum program (former 6th and 7th years), the former pre-university year.

Post secondary - includes the following: nursery teacher training program, primary teacher training program, other programs officially recognized as post secondary, when they have been attended.

For persons who attended or who are attending vocational programs (programs which despite not being part of the state education system and whose objective is to prepare pupils for a specific occupation), two situations may apply:

a) If the program is equivalent to a level of state education, you should tick the level of education you have attained.
b) If the program is not equivalent to a level of state education, the level of education remains unchanged and you should tick the level of education held when you began to attend the vocational program.

For example:

If have completed or are attending a industrial ceramics program run by the Institute for Employment and Vocational Training, which requires the 6th year of schooling for admission and equivalent to the 9th year of schooling, you should tick the box for "Basic education, 3rd degree".

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Question 13 - Highest education level that you attend or have attended

If the individual doesn't study anymore but has studied, please indicate the highest education level attended even if he didn't complete it.

If the individual is studying, please indicate the education level that he is attending.

Pre-Primary - education level given to children to 3 years old or younger and that are not on compulsory school age.

Basic - 1st degree - corresponds to the first four years of school.

Basic - 2nd degree - includes the fifth and sixth year of school.

Basic - 3rd degree - includes the seventh, eighth and ninths year of school.

Secondary - includes the tenth, eleventh and twelfth year of school.

Post-secondary - includes those situations of old courses of medium degree, like for example primary school teacher, old commercial studies, etc.)

Tertiary - 1st degree (Bac.) - Bachelor degree

Tertiary - 2nd degree (Lic.) - Licentiate degree

Tertiary - 3rd degree (Master) - Master degree

Tertiary - 4th degree (Phd) - Philosophy doctor degree

Note: For individuals that signed Pre-Primary and have less than 6 years old the filling-in of the questionnaire is over.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_EDATTAN — Educational qualification
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Individual questionnaire

[Questions 16 to 36 are only asked of persons who have entered the formal education system]

[Questions 17 and 18 are asked of persons who attended/are attending primary school and over]

17. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

Completing a level of education means having successfully concluded the last year of that educational level. For example, in order to indicate secondary education, the 12th year or equivalent must have been completed. If you concluded or are still attending the 11th year, the highest level of education you have completed corresponds to the 3rd stage of basic education (9th year).

[] 01 None
[] 02 1st stage of basic education (current 4th year/former primary education/grade 4)
[] 03 2nd stage of basic education (current 6th year/former preparatory degree)
[] 04 3rd stage of basic education (current 9th year/former 5th year of the lyceum
[] 05 Secondary education (current 12th year /former 7th year of the lyceum
Programme/pre p university year)
[] 06 Post-secondary education (Technological specialisation courses, level IV)
[] 07 Bachelor (includes former middle-level courses)
[] 08 Licentiate
[] 09 Master's
[] 10 PhD
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7.2.4. Individual

Question 17- What is the highest level of education that you have completed?
[There is an image of question 17]
To record the level of education completed, implies that the person has completed the last year of school for that level.
The person that is in 12th year and marked "10th, 11th, or 12th" in the previous question, must respond in this question "3rd stage of basic education" since that person has not concluded the final year of that level.
If the individual is studying to attain a Master's degree regardless of the year, you must record "Master" for the answer to Question 16- What is the level of education you are currently attending, or the highest level you have attended, even if not complete? This means that the answer to question 17 -What is the highest level of education that you have completed?
"Secondary education" or licentiate for situations in which the first cycle of studies has been completed and the person has obtained the number of required credits. In order to facilitate the equivalencies of education levels for the current and former systems, see the following table.
[There is an image of table with level equivalences.]