Questionnaire Text

Peru 1993
Peru 2007
Peru 2017
Peru 1993 — source variable PE1993A_EDATTAN — Educational level completed
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For those 5 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 7 - 11]

11. What is the last year, grade of study, or level completed?

Circle the appropriate number:

[] 0 No level
[] 1 Initial or preschool
[] 2 Primary
[] 3 Secondary
[] 4 Basic regular
[] 5 Basic vocational (craftsmanship)

[Bracket around responses 2-5:] ____ Write the year or grade completed

Higher non-university:

[] 6 Incomplete
[] 7 Complete

Higher university:

[] 8 Incomplete
[] 9 Complete

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For people 5 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 7 - 11]

Question No. 11: What is the last year, grade of study or level that you completed?
This question is only for those who answered with option 1 or 2 in question 10.
Read the question. Wait for the informant's response. Then, circle the corresponding number.
[There is a picture of question 11 in this section of the Enumeration Form.]
If the informant reports having passed Primary, Secondary, Regular Basic, or Trade School Basic, in addition to circling the number that corresponds to that level, you should record the year or grade passed in the box at the right.
If the informant reports Superior (Non-University) or Superior (University, complete, or incomplete), circle the corresponding number.
Remember that:

Initial or preschool: includes day care (nido) and Kindergarten.
Primary: According to the current Educational System, it includes from 1st to 6th grade, whether for minors or adults.
Secondary: According to the current Educational System, it includes from 1st to 5th grade, whether for minors or adults.
Regular basic (daytime): Includes from 1st to 9th grade of Regular Basic Education.
Basic vocational (nighttime): Includes from 1st to 9th grade of Trade School Basic education.
Higher (Non-University): This includes Normal Schools, Professional Education Superior Schools, Superior Technology Institutes, Armed Forces and National Police Non-Commissioned Officer Schools, and Business Administration Superior Schools.

[p. 44]
Superior (Non-University) will be considered completed when the person has finished the last cycle, grade, or year of the program that they studied. Otherwise, it will be considered incomplete.
Higher (University): This includes universities, Armed Forces and National Police Officer schools, religious seminaries, the Superior Institute of Art of Peru, the National Pedagogical Institute, and the Diplomatic Academy of Peru.
Superior (University) will be considered completed when the person has finished the last cycle, grade, or year of the program that they studied. Otherwise, it will be considered incomplete.

Remember that, beginning with the next question, information is only requested for people 6 years of age and older.

Peru 2007 — source variable PE2007A_EDATTAIN — Education level completed
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For persons aged three or older
[Applies to questions 9-12]

11. What was the last level and grade or year you successfully completed in school? (Circle only one number. For primary write the grade or year and for secondary [high school] write only the year)

[] 1 No level
[] 2 Initial Education
[] 3 Primary

Grade _
Year _

[] 4 Secondary [High school]

Year _

[] 5 Non-university higher education -- incomplete
[] 6 Non-university higher education -- complete
[] 7 University higher education -- incomplete
[] 8 University higher education -- complete

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For persons aged three and older
[Applies to questions 9-12]

Question 11: What was the last level and grade or year you successfully completed in school?

  • If the respondent only passed the last pre-primary grade [transición], circle option 3, "Primary", and write 0 (zero) in the grid space.
  • If the respondent states primary, ask which year or grade he/she passed and write it in the appropriate grid space. The individual "Grade" and "Year" spaces may not contain both pieces of information.
  • If the respondent states secondary, ask which year he/she passed and write it in the appropriate grid space.
  • If the respondent states non-university higher education, find out whether the degree was completed or not and circle the appropriate option.
  • If the person studied in a non-traditional setting [Educación No Escolarizada, when students do not attend classes in a physical school on a daily basis], write the year passed and the appropriate level.

[p. 50]
No Level. This is when the person never attended a school. Include children who were in pre-primary classes [Educación Inicial] on the day of the census.
Pre-primary. This includes those who finished the following classes: early childhood center [estudios de nido], day-care [Cuna guarderia], kindergarten, national pre-primary non-traditional program [Programa Nacional no Escolarizado de Educacion Inicial] (Pronoei) and day care for children less than 4 years old [Wawa wasi].
Primary. According to the current educational system, this includes grades one through six. In the previous educational system it included the final pre-primary grade [transicion] and grades one through five for both children and adults.
Secondary. According to the current educational system, this includes years one through five for both children and adults.
Non-University Higher Education. This includes teacher training schools [escuelas normales]; professional training schools [escuelas superiores de educacion profesional]; non-commissioned officer training in the armed forces; business schools; technical colleges; and teaching colleges [institutos superiores pedagogicos]. In all of these schools the length of study is generally at least three years.
University Higher Education. This includes universities; officer training schools for the police and the armed forces; seminary schools; the Peru College of Art; the National Teaching College; nursing college; journalism school; and the Diplomatic Academy of Peru. In all of these schools the length of study is at least four years.
  • Ana only passed the last year before primary school [transición]. Circle option 3, "Primary," and write 0 in the box which corresponds to year. Leave the space for "Grade" blank.
  • Lupita passed sixth grade. Circle option 3, "Primary," and write 6 in the space which corresponds to grade. Leave the space which corresponds to year blank.
  • Levi studies psychology at the university and has passed his fourth year. Circle option 7, "University Higher Education -- Incomplete."
  • Ricky is studying accounting in a college [instituto superior], not a university. He passed his fourth-semester of classes. Circle option 5, "Non-University Higher Education -- Incomplete."

Peru 2017 — source variable PE2017A_EDATTAIN — Level of education completed
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Section V. Characteristics of the population

13. What is the last level and grade or year of study you passed?

(Fill in one oval only. For elementary school, indicate grade or year)

[] 1 No level
[] 2 Initial
[] 3 Elementary school
Grade or year _
[] 4 High school
Year _
[] 5 Basic special school
Year _
[] 6 Incomplete non-university higher education
[] 7 Complete non-university higher education
[] 8 Incomplete university education
[] 9 Complete university education
[] 10 Master's / doctorate degree
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For people of 3 years of age and older
[Questions 11 to 15 are asked of persons age 3 or older]

Question 13: What is the last level and grade or year of study you passed?

If the respondent:

- State elementary school, ask for year or grade of study he/she passed and write it down in the corresponding box.
- Passed transition only, fill in the oval of option 3, "elementary school", and in the box "year" write down: 0 (zero).
- If he/she declares high school, ask for the year of studies he/she passed and write it in the corresponding box.
- If he/she studied non-school education, write the year he/she passed in his/her corresponding level.
- If he/she states non-university higher education or university education, ask if it is complete or incomplete and fill in the oval of the corresponding option.
- If he/she has a master's or doctorate degree, ask if he/she has completed the first year of studies. If so, fill in the oval of option 10, "master's/doctorate degree".
- The "basic special school" option is for the exclusive use of those who study in basic special education centers. Ask for the last year he/she attended and write it down in the corresponding box. This option does not include people in regular classrooms (inclusive education).
No level: This is when the person never attended an educational institution. It includes children who are attending Initial Education on Census day.

Basic school: Basic School is organized into Basic Regular School (EBR), Basic Special School (EBE) and Basic Alternative School (EBA). Basic Regular School is the modality that encompasses the initial, elementary and high school levels; it is aimed at children and adolescents who go through the educational process in a timely manner.

Initial education: It comprises the person who completed the studies of Nursery School, Kindergarten, National Non-Schooling Program of Initial Education (Pronoei), Wawa Wasi and Comprehensive Programs of Early Education based on the Family (Pietbaf).

Elementary school: According to the current educational system, it comprises from 1st to 6th grade. In the previous educational system, it covered: Transition and from 1st to 5th grade, either in the junior or adult modality.

High school: In accordance with the current educational system, it comprises 1st to 5th grade, either in the junior or adult modality.

Basic special education: It is a modality of basic education whose focus is Inclusive Education and serves people with special educational needs. It is addressed to:

a) People who have a type of disability that makes regular learning difficult.

b) Gifted children and adolescents with specific talents.
In both cases, it is given with the aim of including the students in regular classrooms, without impacting on the complementary and personalized attention they require.

If the person is in a regular classroom (EBR), you must consider it in the corresponding answer option (3. elementary school or 4. high school).

Non-university higher education: It includes the normal schools, Higher Schools of Professional Education (ESEP), School of Non-Commissioned Officers of the Armed Forces, Higher Schools of Business Administration, Higher Technological Institutes and Higher Pedagogical Institutes. In all these cases, the study period generally lasts no less than 3 years.

University higher education: It includes Universities, Armed Forces and Police Officers' Schools, religious seminaries, Higher Institute of Art in Peru, National Pedagogical Institute, school of nurses, School of Journalism and Diplomatic Academy of Peru. In all these cases, the study period is not less than 4 years.

Master's/doctorate degree: These are specialization studies that can be carried out once the undergraduate studies have been completed, with a duration of no less than 1 year.


- Ana passed only transition; then, fill in option 3, "elementary school", write in the corresponding box for Year: 0 and leave the grade box blank.

- Leví is studying psychology at the university and passed the fourth year, so fill in option 8, "incomplete university education".

- Lupita passed the sixth grade of elementary school; then fill in option 3, "elementary school", write down in the corresponding box for grade: 6 and leave the Year box blank.

- Ricky is studying accounting in a higher education institute (non-university) and passed the fourth cycle, so fill in option 6, "incomplete non-university higher education".