Questionnaire Text

Panama 1960
Panama 1970
Panama 1980
Panama 1990
Panama 2000
Panama 2010
Panama 1960 — source variable PA1960A_EDATTAN — Educational level attained
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Only for persons 7 years of age and older
[Questions 11-13 were asked only of persons aged 7 and older.]

11. What is the highest grade or year of schooling completed?

Write the number [of the grade or year] in the line corresponding to the class of schooling. If no grade was completed mark the box 04.

[] 1 Primary ____
[] 2 Secondary ____
[] 3 University ____
[] 4 No grade

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(Only for persons 7 years old or more)

Question 11 What is the highest grade or year of schooling completed?

Write down the grade as a number in the line that corresponds to the level of schooling. For example, if the person says [p. 39] that fifth grade in primary school was passed, the annotation will be in the following form: Primary 1 ___5. If the third year of secondary school was passed, it will be written down: Secondary 2 ___3.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of question 11 of the census form.]

Do not use roman numerals. Keep in mind that the highest grade or year completely passed is being sought and consequently half years and grades that have not been finished or completely passed will not be written down.
If the person has received instruction abroad or in schools in the Panama Canal Zone, write down with the closest approximation the equivalent grade in the regular system of education of this country. For example: The 8th grade in schools in the Panama Canal Zone is equal to the 2nd year of secondary education in Panama.
If the person did not pass any grade or year, mark X in box 4.
Keep in mind that the grade or year refers only to that which was passed within the three levels of regular education (primary, secondary and university) that is given in public or private schools (See Annex 2 which refers to the schools of regular secondary education).
Therefore, special studies or vocations that do not require passing from a first cycle such as sewing schools, business schools, cooking schools, confectionary schools, secretary schools, telegraph schools and other such schools including correspondence schools will not be considered courses of regular education. If the person claims to have taken one of these classes of special studies, insist on obtaining the information that refers to the last grade or school year passed in schools of regular education.

Panama 1970 — source variable PA1970A_EDATTAN — Highest grade attained
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B. Educational Characteristics

[Questions 9 to 12 are asked for those who 6 years old or older]

9. What is the highest grade or school year you have completed?

Write the number on the corresponding line according to the type of schooling. If no grade was completed, mark the box 04.

[] 1 Primary ____
[] 2 Secondary ____
[] 3 University ____
[] 4 None

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B. Educational Characteristics

(Questions 9 to 12)
(Only for persons 6 years old or older)

Question 9 What is the highest grade or school year you have completed?

Before making the corresponding annotations, follow these instructions:

Do not use roman numerals. Keep in mind that the highest grade or year of regular education totally passed is requested and consequently neither half grades nor grades that have not been completely finished or passed should be written down.
If the person has received education abroad or in schools in the Panama Canal Zone, write down the equivalent grade in the system of regular education of this country with the closest possible approximation. For example: the 8th grade of the schools of the Canal Zone of Panama is equivalent to the 2nd grade of secondary schooling in Panama.
Keep in mind that the grade or year that is wanted refers only to what was passed within the three levels of regular education (primary, secondary, university) that is taught in public or private schools. (See annex 1 that refers to the schools of regular secondary education.)

[p. 35]

Therefore, courses of regular education, special or vocational studies that do not require the passing from a first cycle, such as some sewing schools, business schools, cooking schools, confectionary schools, secretary schools, telegraph schools, and other similar schools as well as correspondence schools will not be considered. Example [all refer to specific, well-known schools in Panama]:

The Applied School of Commerce
Accounting and Commerce Technical
The Muñoz School of Diesel Motors
The Thomas Alva Edison Institute

If the person claims to have taken one of these classes of special studies, insist on obtaining the information that refers to the last grade or school year passed in schools of regular education.
Below, examples of how to fill out the corresponding boxes are described:
Write down the grade in the line corresponding to the class of regular education. Examples:
Case 1: The person claims to have passed the sixth grade of primary school.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of case 1 of question 9 of the census form.]

Case 2: The person claims to have passed the second year of secondary school.

[The instructions refer to a graphic of case 2 of question 9 of the census form.]

If the person says that he/she is attending the first grade of primary school, mark box 4, this box is for persons who have never attended school.

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_EDLEV — Highest grade attained
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10. What is the highest grade or school year of regular education you completed?
Write the number in the corresponding box, or mark in the box "No grade."
[The first three options have two boxes with the first digit (1, 2 or 3) already filled in and a second blank box to be filled in indicating the grade.

[1] Primary ____
[2] Secondary ____
[3] University ____
[] 04 No grade

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Only for persons 4 years old and older

Question 10 What is the highest grade or school year of regular education you completed?

[Below the text is a picture of a schoolgirl]

[The instructions refer a graph in question 10 on the census form.]

Before making the corresponding annotations, follow these instructions:
Do not use roman numerals. Keep in mind that the highest grade or year of regular education totally passed is requested and consequently neither half grades nor grades that have not been completely finished or passed should be written down.
If the person has received education abroad, write down the equivalent grade in the system of regular education of this country with the closest possible approximation. For example: the 9th grade in schools abroad is equivalent to the 3rd year of secondary school in Panama.
Keep in mind that the grade or year that is wanted refers only to what was passed within the three levels of [p. 75] regular education (primary, secondary, university) that is taught in public or private schools. (See annex 1 that refers to the schools of regular secondary education).
Therefore, courses of regular education, special or vocational studies that do not require the passing from a first cycle, such as some sewing schools, business schools, cooking schools, confectionary schools, secretary schools, telegraph schools, and other similar schools will not be considered. Example [all refer to specific, well-known schools in Panama]:

The Applied School of Commerce
Accounting and Commerce Technical
The Muñoz School of Diesel Motors
The Thomas Alva Edison Institute

If the person claims to have taken one of these classes of special studies, insist on obtaining the information that refers to the last grade or school year passed in schools of regular education.
Studies or correspondence courses will not be considered regular education.
Below, examples of how to fill out the corresponding boxes are described:
Write down the grade in the box corresponding to the class of regular education. Examples:
a) The person claims to have passed the forth grade of primary school, the annotation will be made like: Primary (1) (4)
b) For the case of persons who declare to have passed any grade in the basic cycle, the annotation should be done on the level of primary. Example: If the person passed the eighth grade, it will be written down as: Primary (1) (8)

[p. 76]

c) The person claims to have passed the third year of university, annotation would be: University (3) (3)

If the person claims to be attending the first grade of primary school, or attends a kindergarten or children's center, mark the box "No grade" (X) 04. Also include in this box persons who have never attended school.

Panama 1990 — source variable PA1990A_EDATTAN — Level of education attained
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V. Residence 5 years ago and educational characteristics
For individuals 5 years of age and older
[Questions 10 to 12a were asked of people 5 years and older.]

12. What is the highest grade or school year you have completed?

[] 00 No grade
[] 1 Primary
[] 2 Secondary
[] 3 University
[] 4 Post-graduate
[] 5 Vocational

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Section V. Residence 5 years ago and educational characteristics

(Questions 10 to 12)
(For persons 5 years old or older)

Question Number 12: What is the highest grade or school year you completed?
Write down in the corresponding space the level of education, [or] the number of years that the person passed.

[Below the text is a picture of a filled out form.]

[p. 59]

Do not use roman numerals. Keep in mind that the highest grade or year of regular education totally passed is requested and consequently neither half grades nor grades that have not been completely finished or passed should be written down.
If the person has received education abroad or in schools in the Panama Canal Zone, write down the equivalent grade in the system of regular education of the country with the closest possible approximation. for example: the 8th grade of the schools of the canal zone of panama is equivalent to the 2nd grade of secondary schooling in panama.
Consider as a vocational school those that are not incorporated in the system of regular education and that teach hairstyling, mechanics, electricity, commerce arbitrator (perito), etc. Do not include in this category schools and official schools known as vocational but that are incorporated into the system of regular education, such as is the case of the School of Arts and Crafts and the professional and technical institutes that are found in different parts of the national territory.
If a person studies in a school of regular education and also in a vocational school, write down the grade in the level that the person considers most important.

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_EDLEV1 — Level of schooling
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For individuals 4 years of age and older.

[Questions 10 -11 were asked of persons aged 4 and older.]

11. What was the highest grade or school year you passed?

[] 01 No grade
[] 02 Preschool
[] 03 Special education
1 _ Primary
[For any response above,] (Go on to question 12)

2 _ Vocational
3 _ Secondary
4 _ Superior non-university
5 _ Superior University
6 _ Post-graduate
7 _ Master's degree
8 _ Doctorate
[For any response above,] (Skip to question 13)

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For persons 4 years old or older

Question No. 11: What was the highest grade or school year you passed?

The objective of this question is to know the maximum grade of education achieved by persons in order to distinguish between those who finished or not, every one of the educative levels, besides, it permits us to detect if there have been, with time, changes in the educational structure.
Remember that this question is applied to persons 4 years old or older.
Mark the circle or write down in the corresponding space agreeing with the level of education, the number of years the person passed.
Keep in mind the following definitions:

a) No Grade: is when a person did not go to school or did not finish first grade of primary school.

b) Pre-school: is understood to be care centers or learning centers for children generally under 6 years, here is included both centers of adaptation like nurseries, day care, children's centers, pre-kindergarten, and Centers for Infant Orientation where they take care of infants, as well as centers of education like Kindergartens and Day-Care.

c) Special Education: is the actions meant for providing educational opportunities to those whose physical, mental, emotional, social or pedagogical conditions require particular attention with the goal of developing the maximum of their capacities. Example: Panamanian Institute of Special Needs (IPHE).

d) Primary: This type of education is free and obligatory for all minors understood to be between six (6) to fifteen (15) years of completed age. Nevertheless, it is possible to find students with ages between five (5) and eighteen (18), attending primary school.

e) Vocational: Its purpose is to prepare directly the students for a craft of profession, consisting of a basic cycle of vocational orientation of two (2) years of duration, has as a requisite the possession of a certificate of finishing primary studies.

f) Secondary: This educational level has as a prerequisite the passing of the primary level of education, and is at the same time required for superior education. Middle education is integrated by two cycles:

[p. 80]

First Cycle: usually consists of three (3) years. It requires a certificate of finishing primary studies.

Second Cycle: generally is represented by a Bachelor in sciences, letters or business. Its pre-requisite is possessing a certificate of first cycle. Normal education which also prepares for teacher training also requires the same pre-requisite.

g) Superior Non-University: is the education that superior institutes of diverse specialties offer, these institutes have their own programs, curriculum and because of their characteristics are not considered university courses, such as Tourism, Institute of Computer Science, etc. its requirement is to have a bachelor or secondary degree, and its duration is two (2) years.

h) Superior University: is the education that is imparted at the [The following is a list of specific universities in Panama.] University of Panama, "Technología" of Panama, Santa María La Antigua, del Istmo, Latina de Costa Rica, Interamericana, ULACIT and others.

i) Graduate: is studies that are done corresponding to the superior university level after the academic level.

j) Masters: refers to the superior academic level, after having obtained a degree.

k) Doctorate: refers to the highest academic level that a person can aspire to, having finished the degree is required.

These last three stages of study can be of one, two or three years, either in the country or abroad.

[p. 81]

Examples: Declared Information

[Below the text is a chart with a column for case number, declared information, which category that pertains to and how it should be marked on the questionnaire.]

Case 1
A person declares to have passed 4th grade of primary school.

Case 2
A person states to have not attended school or did not finish first grade of primary school and at the moment of the interview is taking first grade.
No Grade

Case 3
A person declares to have graduated from Systems Engineering of the Technologic University (5 years).
University Superior

Case 4
A person declares that their child attends classes in the IPHE.
Special Education

Case 5
A person declares to have just completed a Graduate School in Finance (1 year).

Case 6
A mother states that her child of 4 years attends the Center of Infant Orientation.

Case 7
A person obtained a degree in dressmaking in a Vocational school.

Do not use roman numerals. Keep in mind that the highest grade or year of regular education totally passed is requested and consequently neither half grades nor grades that have not been completely finished or passed should be written down.
In those schools or secondary schools in which premedia [equivalent to middle school] has been implemented, if a person claims to study the 7th, 8th or 9th grade, remember that it refers to the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd year of formal secondary education.
If a person has received education abroad or in schools in the Panama Canal Zone, write down the equivalent grade in the system of regular education of the country with the closest possible approximation. For example: the 8th grade of the schools of the Canal Zone of Panama is equivalent to the 2nd grade of secondary schooling in Panama.

[p. 82]

Consider as a vocational school those that are not incorporated in the system of regular education and that teach dressmaking, mechanics, electricity, commerce arbitrator, etc. Do not include in this category schools and official schools known as vocational but that are incorporated into the system of regular education, such as is the case of the School of Arts and Crafts and the professional and technical institutes that are found in different parts of the national territory.
Note: If a person has studied in a school of regular education and also, in a vocational school, consider as level passed as the one of regular education, always and when this one is the highest; in the case of them being the same in both schools, write down the one of the regular school

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_EDATTAN — Highest level of education passed
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[Questions 13 and 14 were asked to individuals 4 years old and older]

14. What is the highest level and grade or school year that you have completed?

[] 01 No grade
[] 02 Preschool
[] 03 Special education
1 _ Elementary
For any response above, continue with question 15
2 _ Vocational
3 _ Secondary
4 _ Higher, non-university
5 _ Higher, university
6 _ Specialization (graduate)
7 _ Master's
8 _ Doctorate
Continue with question 16.

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[Questions 13 and 14 were asked to individuals 4 years old and older]

Question No. 14: What is the highest level and grade or school year you have completed?
[Questions 13 and 14 were asked to persons 4 years old and over]
The objective of this question is to know the maximum grade of education achieved by persons in order to distinguish between those who finished or not, every one of the educative levels, besides, it allows us to detect if there have been, over time, changes in the educational structure.
Remember that this question applies to those 4 years old and older.
Mark the circle or write down in the corresponding, according to the level of education, the number of years a person approved.
Consider the following definitions:
Level of education: It is defined as the degree or highest degree level approved in the regular education system as it is imparted in schools or public or private universities in the country, i.e. primary, premedia [equivalent to middle school], secondary, vocational and university .
The latter may be at a technical, undergraduate, graduate, masters or doctorate level. If the person has received education abroad, please report a nearly as possible equivalent degree in the regular education system of the country. Distance courses are not considered regular education.

a) No grade: is when a person did not go to school, or did not complete the first grade of primary school.
b) Pre-school: Includes care centers or learning centers for children, usually under age 6. This includes both adaptation centers, such as nurseries, day-cares, children's centers, pre-kindergarten, and centers for infant orientation where they take care for infants, and education centers such as kindergartens or day-cares.
c) Special Education: Comprises the actions meant for providing educational opportunities to those whose physical, mental, emotional, social or educational, conditions require special attention in order to develop their full potential. Example: Panamanian Special Institute (IPHE).
d) Primary: This type of education is free and compulsory for all children within the ages of six (6) to fifteen (15) years old. However, you may find students aged between five (5) and eighteen (18) years attending primary school.

[p. 158]
e) Vocational: Its purpose is to prepare students directly for a trade or profession; it consists of a basic cycle of vocational training of two to three years in length and has as a requisite the possession of a certificate of completion of primary studies in progress.
f) Middle or Secondary Education: This level of education has as a prerequisite the completion of the primary level of education, and it is, in turn, required for higher education. Secondary education consists of two cycles:

First Cycle or premedia [equivalent to middle school]: usually consists of three (3) years. It requires a certificate of completion of primary education in progress or the completion of primary education.
Second cycle or Middle: It is usually represented by a degree in sciences, arts and commerce. Its prerequisite is having a certificate of completion of the first cycle of secondary education or a certificate of completion of premedia studies. Normal education that prepares for the teaching practice also requires the same pre-requisite.

g) Higher, non-university: is the education that superior institutes of diverse specialties offer; these institutes have their own programs, curriculum, and because of their characteristics they are not considered university degrees, such as tourism, Institute of Computer Science, etc. Its requirement is to have a bachelor or secondary education degree, and its duration is two years.
h) Higher, university: is the education taught at universities such as: University of Panama, Universidad Tecnologica of Panama, Santa María La Antigua, Universidad del Istmo, Universidad Latina, Interamericana, ULACIT and others.
For private universities, list the years actually approved, not quarters or semesters.
i) Specialization or graduate: Studies carried out after obtaining an undergraduate degree; diplomados [equivalent to a diploma or certificate] are excluded. Duration: 1 year.
j) Master's: Refers to a higher academic degree, after having obtained an undergraduate degree. Maximum duration: 2 years.
k) Doctorate: refers to the highest academic level that a person can aspire to; having completed an undergraduate degree is required. Duration: 3-4 years.

These stages of study can be performed, either in the country or abroad.
As you can observe, there is a code on each answer choice so you only have to put the last digit according to the respondent's answer.
[p. 159]

[Above the text there is a sample image of the form.]
Do not use roman numerals. Keep in mind that the highest degree or year entirely approved is requested and consequently neither half a degree nor degrees that have not been completely finished or passed should be written down.
If the person has been educated abroad or in schools operating in the Panama Canal Area, write down as nearly as possible the equivalent grade in the regular education system of the country. Example: The 8th grade in those schools is equivalent to the 2nd year of secondary school in Panama.
Consider as a vocational school those that are not incorporated in the regular school system and that teach dressmaking, mechanics, electricity, commerce arbitrator, among others. Do not include in this category public schools such as the School of Arts and Crafts (Melchor Lasso de la Vega) and professional and technical institutes located in different parts of the national territory.
In those schools or colleges where premedia [equivalent to middle school] has been implemented, if a person indicates that she is in 7th, 8th or 9th grade, remember that she refers to 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of formal secondary education.
[p. 160]
Note: If a person has studied in a school of regular education and also, in a vocational school, consider as level passed the one in a school of regular education, as long as this one is the highest one or [at least] the same.
Maximum values for grade levels.
The maximum parameters are listed for each level as follows:
Primary [1] [6]
Vocational [2] [3]
Secondary [3] [6]
High - Not University [4] [2]
High - University [5] [6]
Specialization (Graduate) [6] [1]
Master's degree [7] [2]
Doctorate [8] [4]

[p. 161]
Example No. 1: The respondent declares she has just completed a Masters in Advertising (2 years), after finishing an undergraduate degree (four years).
[Below the text there is a sample image of the form.]
Example No. 2: The person got an undergraduate degree in Electro-mechanics at a vocational school (3 years).