Questionnaire Text

Nepal 2001
Nepal 2011
Nepal 2001 — source variable NP2001A_EDLEVEL — Level of education passed
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Only for persons aged 6 years and above
[Questions 8-10 are asked of persons who are aged 6 years and above.]

8. Can ____ read and write?

(If read only 1, if read and write 2, and if illiterate 3)

[] 1 Read only (skip to column 10)
[] 2 Read and write
[] 3 Illiterate (skip to column 10)

9. What is ____ level of education passed?

(Only code 2 in column 8)
[Question 9 was asked of persons who can read and write, per question 8.]

1. Level passed: ____

2. Field of study for above SLC: ____

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Column 9: What ____ is level of education passed?
[] 1. Level passed ____
[] 2. Field of study for SLC above ____

This question has two parts: level passed and field of study for SLC and above. The meaning of level of education passed (for read and write) refers the level passed of formal education or which of the level of study is completed by the respondent. For collecting the information on educational qualification, level passed should be written. If the level passed is SLC and above then the major field of study should also be mentioned.

1. Level passed: For the level passed, the educational qualification of the highest level passed by the respondent should be mentioned. If the respondent has passed the examination of different subjects of the same level then any one among the level passed should be mentioned as reporting interests of the respondents; however, the ongoing level should not be mentioned. In case of formal education, if the person studied in all types of educational institution like school, campus (college) or university and passed some level, then he/she should have the certificate of educational level passed. If the level passed is in school level then level passed should be ranges from 1 to 10 or SLC. For campus or university level, level passed might be certificate level (intermediate), diploma, degree, PhD etc. The respondents should be asked for their highest level passed and should be written after confirming it.

Example: If Pramila Kumari Chaudhary is studying on class nine, then level passed for her should be mentioned class 8. If any person appeared in SLC but the result is not published then the level passed should be written as class 10. For those people who failed the examination of SLC the level passed should also be written as class 10. For those who have old Nepali educational qualification, they should be asked for their level passed and it should be mentioned same as their answer e.g. Nepali 7, Nepali 11, etc. For the person studied Sanskrit, the level passed: prathama (level first), madhyama (intermediate), Sastri (equivalent to diploma) acharya (equivalent to master degree) should be asked and written carefully. For those respondents who have taken training only, mention the level passed only if their level is clear.

Note: If the person can read and write but a formal level is not passed, then "simple" should be written for mentioning the level passed.

2. Major Field for SLC above: If the level passed of the respondent is SLC or above, IA, BA, MA, etc., then the major field should be mentioned after specifying the level passed. For those respondent whose level passed is certificate and above, the major field of study among humanities, commerce, science, education, engineering medical science, etc., should be mentioned clearly.

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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Personal Information

For person 5 years and above
[Question 13 to 15 asked of persons 5 years and above.]

[15] What is the level of education of [the respondent]?

[] 1 Pass level ____
[] 2 Major subject [above SLC] ____
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Individual information
After collecting the introductory and household information of data sheet 1, there are questions for individual information collection on the right side of the page. To write individual information, a row has been allocated for each member of the family. Sequence and rules for information collection have been put accordingly. In line with this, ask the question and fill the information. The response of each individual question should be written in the respective column.

Column 15: what is the highest education level of [the respondent]?

[] 1 Grade/level completed ____
[] 2 If above is a (School Leaving Certificate) (SLC), write the key area/subject ____

(Do not ask this question to persons who cannot read or write, nor who do not go to school/college).

The grade/level of education means the highest level completed by persons who have attended the formal education system. Write the completed level of education. If the person has completed above SLC education, specify the area of expertise or major.

1. The level of education completed - Write the highest level of education that the person has completed. If a person has completed various subjects of same level, write the subjects that the person wants to report. Do not write the level that the person is currently studying. In the formal education system, if a person has completed a certain level of school, college or university, he/she would have taken certificate of completion. If the person has only completed school level, it could be from grade 1 to 10 or SLC. If it was college or university level, it could be intermediate, bachelor, master, or PhD. Ask the person which level he/she has completed, and write the completed level. Nowadays, children starts to go in early age. In this condition, the children who are 5 years old but are studying are attending an early grade or can only read and write. Write "00" to specify the completed level of such children.

Example - If Pramila Kumari Choudhari is currently studying in grade 9, then her completed grade should be written as 8. If someone has taken SLC exam but the result is not out yet, write the completed level as 10. For the person who failed SLC, write 10 as completed level. For people who have completed the old Nepalese school, write the current level completed (e.g. Nepalese 7, Nepalese 11, etc.). For the people who have studied Sanskrit, write the completed level as Prathma, Madhyama, Shastri, or Acharya whichever they have completed. For people who have taken some kind of training, write their completed level only if it is specified.

NB: - If a person has learned through informal education or self-study, but has not completed any formal education level, write "informal" in the place of completed level.

2. Main area/subject (If above SLC) - if a person has completed above SLC level (e.g. IA, BA, MA), write main area/subject studied after specifying completed level. If the certificate or above level completed identifies which is the main area of study (e.g. Humanities, Commerce, Science, Education, Engineering, Medicine, etc.) write it.

Example - Shyamkrishn Dhobi is studying his bachelor in Humanities. He has completed ISc (Science). In this situation, write the completed level as certificate level and area of study as Science. If Ratnamaya Nakarmi is studying her bachelor in Civil Engineering, then her completed level would be certificate level (Engineering).