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Educational attainment, Laos

Questionnaire Text

Laos 1995
Laos 2005
Laos 2015
Laos 1995 — source variable LA1995A_EDATTAIN — Highest education
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C. For persons aged 6 years and above
[Questions 11-13 were asked of persons aged 6 years and above]

13. What is [the respondent's] highest level of education completed?

Enter code from code list:

[] 00 None
[] 11 Primary 1
[] 12 Primary 2
[] 13 Primary 3
[] 14 Primary 4
[] 15 Primary 5
[] 16 Primary 6
[] 21 Low Sec 1
[] 22 Low Sec 2
[] 23 Low Sec 3
[] 24 Low Sec 4
[] 31 Upper Sec 1
[] 32 Upper Sec 2
[] 33 Upper Sec 3

Vocational education
[] 41 First level
[] 42 Middle level
[] 43 High level/university

[] 44 Post graduate level
[] 45 Others
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Section C: For persons aged 6 years and above
Section C deals with education questions. These questions shall be asked to all who is 6 years and above. For small children, less than 6 years, section C, D and E should be marked "N/A".

Question 13: What is [the respondent's] highest level of education completed?
The purpose of this question is to establish the respondent's highest level of education completed. Make sure that all respondents understand that the question refers to completed education.

Enter code from code list. A list of the codes for highest level of education completed is shown in Appendix 3. The list of codes is also shown at the back of each questionnaire. For not known use code "99".

Check with question 4 for consistency, particularly for children. Probe, if discrepancies between the answers are found.

Laos 2005 — source variable LA2005A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of education
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
C. For 6 years and above
[Questions 11-14 were asked of persons 6 years and older]

13. What is [the respondent]'s highest level of education?

Enter education code.

[] 1 No education
[] 11 Grade 1
[] 12 Grade 2
[] 13 Grade 3
[] 14 Grade 4
[] 15 Grade 5
[] 16 Grade 6
[] 21 Lower secondary 1
[] 22 Lower secondary 2
[] 23 Lower secondary 3
[] 31 Upper secondary 1
[] 32 Upper secondary 2
[] 33 Upper secondary 3
[] 99 Don't know
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section C: For persons aged 6 years and above
Section C deals with education questions. These questions shall be asked to all who is 6 years and above. For small children, less than 6 years of age, tick alternative "6" for question 11, and leave questions 12 -- 19 blank.

Question 13: What is [the respondent]'s highest level of education completed?
The purpose of this question is to establish the respondent's highest level of education completed. Make sure that all respondents understand that the question refers to completed education.
[pg. 22]
Enter code from code list. A list of the codes for highest level of education completed is shown in Appendix 3. The list of codes is also shown at the back of each questionnaire. For not known use code "99".
Check with question 4 for consistency, particularly for children. Probe, if discrepancies between the answers are found.

Laos 2005 — source variable LA2005A_EDVOC — Highest level of vocational education
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
C. For 6 years and above
[Questions 11-14 were asked of persons 6 years and older]

14. What is [the respondent]'s highest level of vocational education?

Enter code.

[] 1 First level
[] 2 Middle level
[] 3 High / university
[] 4 Post graduate level
[] 5 Other
[] 9 Don't know
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section C: For persons aged 6 years and above
Section C deals with education questions. These questions shall be asked to all who is 6 years and above. For small children, less than 6 years of age, tick alternative "6" for question 11, and leave questions 12 -- 19 blank.

Question 14: What is [the respondent]'s highest level of vocational education completed?
The purpose of this question is to establish the respondent's highest level of education completed. Make sure that all respondents understand that the question refers to completed education.
Enter code from code list. A list of the codes for highest level of education completed is shown in Appendix 3. The list of codes is also shown at the back of each questionnaire. For not known use code "99".
Check with question 4 for consistency, particularly for children. Probe, if discrepancies between the answers are found.

Laos 2015 — source variable LA2015A_EDATTAIN — Highest level of education
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
C. For persons 6 and above
[Questions Q18-Q21 are asked of persons age 6 and above only]

Q20. What is your highest level of education achieved? _ _

(Enter the code from the code list in the next page)

Cost list:
[] 00. No grade
[] 11. Grade 1
[] 12. Grade 2
[] 13. Grade 3
[] 14. Grade 4
[] 15. Grade 5
[] 16. Grade 6
[] 21. Lower secondary 1
[] 22. Lower secondary 2
[] 23. Lower secondary 3
[] 24. Lower secondary 4
[] 32. Upper secondary 1
[] 33. Upper secondary 2
[] 34. Upper secondary 3
[] 41. Vocation education first level
[] 42. Vocation education middle level
[] 43. Vocation education high level
[] 44. Graduate - degree holder
[] 45. Post graduate - master's degree
[] 46. Higher than post graduate
[] 99. Don't know
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4.4 Section C: For individuals 6 years old and above
Section "C" is an educational question that must be asked to everyone who is 6 years old and above. Children under the age of 6 are not required to answer the questions in section "C", the interviewee can stop interviewing that child and continue with other household members.

Question Q20: What is the highest level of education you have completed?
The purpose of this question is to find out about the highest level of education of the household members.
The highest level of education means the highest level of education that the household members have completed according to the official education system. For the answer code, see the back of the questionnaire
[A figure is omitted here]
Example: Mr. A is studying in the 4th grade, he recently finished the 3rd grade, which means his highest education is the 3rd grade (answer code is 13).

1) A person who completed grade 6 in high school and grade 3 in secondary school before 2010 should record as follows: grade 6 = grade 7 and grade 3 = grade 4.
2) A person who completed grade 6 in primary school or completed primary school before 1975 is registered as grade 5 in primary school.
3) A person who graduated from abroad is comparable to one who graduated in the Lao PDR.
4) A person who has completed public education Bor 1, Bor 2, Bor 3, the educational level shall be recorded as Bor 1 = grade 3, Bor 2 = grade 4, Bor 3 = grade 5.

Comparing the level or qualifications of monks with general education is to be done as follows: 

1) Certificates of completion of the monk class and the completion of the common primary level of monks are equal to the complete primary level of education (general education).
2) Completion of primary education and secondary education is equivalent to secondary education (general education).
3) High school diplomas and high school of a monk are equivalent to high school education (general education).
4) The bachelor's degree of monks is equal to the bachelor's degree of ordinary people (general education).
5) The Master's degree of monks is equal to the Master's degree of ordinary people (general education).
6) The doctorate of monks is equal to the doctorate of ordinary people (general education).