Questionnaire Text

Cambodia 1998
Cambodia 2004
Cambodia 2008
Cambodia 2013
Cambodia 2019
Cambodia 1998 — source variable KH1998A_EDUC — Grade or level of education
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14 Full-Time Education
( a ) Have you ever attended School/ Educational Institution? (Enter Code)
1 Never
2 Now
3 Past

( b ) What is the highest grade completed? (Enter Code from list below)
Codes for Column 14 (b) What is the highest grade completed?

For Never in 14 (a) put dash ( - )
For Now or Past in 14 (a), Code as follows:-
00 No class completed
01 Class 1 completed
02 Class 2 completed
11 Class 11 completed
12 Class 12 completed
13 Secondary School / Certificate / Diploma
14 Undergraduate
15 Graduate / Degree holder
16 Postgraduate
17 ___ Other (specify)

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Column 14: Full Time Education

94. Full-time education refers to education in an educational institution like Primary School, Secondary School, College etc.

Column 14 (a): Have you ever attended School / Educational Institution?

95. This applies to both literates and illiterates. The answer to this question may be recorded as follows:-

(a) Never:- Record 1 if the person has never at any time received full-time education.
(b) Now:- Record 2 if the person is still receiving full-time education at the time of the Census.
(c) Past:- Record 3 if the person received full-time education in the past and is no longer receiving it.

Note that it is possible that a person who is literate (Code 1 in Column 13), had never attended any school at all (e.g. he might have learnt to read and write in a pagoda) and may, therefore, be given Code 1 in Column 14(a).

Column 14 (b): What is the Highest Grade Completed?

96. Enter dash (--) in the two sub Columns in the case of a person who has never attended school/educational institution (Code 1 in Column 14(a)). Categories of educational levels have been provided for recording the highest grade completed in the school, college or any other educational institution attended by the respondents. A last category "other (specify)" (Code 17) has been included to cater for other educational categories not mentioned. In general, you may check whether the educational level of a person is consistent with his/her age. For example, a boy or girl of age 8 could not have completed class 11. If any such inconsistency is noted, please make probing questions and ascertain the correct answer.

Cambodia 2004 — source variable KH2004A_EDATTAIN — Highest grade completed
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Form B: Household questionnaire Part 2

For all persons
[Questions 10 to 23 were asked of all persons]

[17] Full time education

[b] What is the highest grade completed?

[Question 17b was asked of persons currently attending school]

Enter code from the list below
For "Never" in 17 (a) put dash (-) in17 (b). For "Now" or "Past" in 17 (a), code as follows [not all the possible responses are represented]:

[] 88 No class completed
[] 00 Pre-school/kindergarten
[] 01 Class 1 completed
[] 02 Class 2 completed
[] 11 Class 11 completed
[] 12 Class 12 completed (without bac)
[] 13 Secondary school / baccalaureate holder
[] 14 Technical / vocational pre-secondary diploma/certificate
[] 15 Technical / vocational post-secondary diploma/certificate
[] 16 Undergraduate
[] 17 Graduate / degree holder
[] 18 Postgraduate
[] 19 Master's degree
[] 20 Post-master's degree
[] 21 Ph.D.
[] 22 Other (specify) ____
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52. Instructions for filing-in Column 1 to 23 of Form B: Part 2
You have to collect information in part 2 for all persons mentioned in Statement and Statement 1.2 of Part 1. Some of the following questions have been answered in Part 1. Therefore there will be no need to ask these questions again. In such cases all you have to do is to copy the information in the appropriate columns.

70. Column 17: Full time education
Full-time education refers to education in an educational institution like Primary School, Secondary School, College, etc. This question should be filled-in for all persons.

72. Column 17 (b): What is the highest grade completed?
Enter dash (-) in the two sub-Columns in the case of a person who has never attended school/education institution (Code 1 in Column 17(a)). Categories of educational levels have been provided for recording the highest grade completed in the school, college or any other educational institution attended by the respondents. A last category "other (specify)" (Code 22) has been included to cater for other educational categories not mentioned. In general, you may check whether the educational level of a person is consistent with his/her age. For example, a boy or girl of age 8 could not have completed class 11. If any such inconsistency is noted, please make probing questions and ascertain the correct answer. Code 88 should be given to no class completed. Code 00 should be given to Pre-school/kindergarten completed.

Cambodia 2008 — source variable KH2008A_EDUC — Grade or level of education completed
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14 Full-time education

b. What is the highest grade completed? (Enter the code from the list below)

For "Never", put a dash (-)
For "Now" or "Past", the codes are as follows:

[] 00 No class completed
[] 01 Class 1 completed
[] 02 Class 2 completed
[] 11 Class 11 completed
[] 12 Class 12 completed
[] 13 Lower secondary diploma holder
[] 14 Secondary school/baccalaureate holder
[] 15 Technical/vocational pre-secondary diploma certificate
[] 16 Technical/vocational post-secondary diploma/certificate
[] 17 Undergraduate
[] 18 Graduate
[] 19 Postgraduate and above
[] 17 Other (specify) ____

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Column 14: Full Time Education

94. Full-time education refers to education in an educational institution like Primary School, Secondary School, College, etc.

Column 14 (b): What is the Highest Grade Completed?
96. Enter dash (-) in the two sub-Columns in the case of a person who has never attended a school/educational institution (Code 1 in Column 14 (a)). Categories of educational levels have been provided for recording the highest grade completed in the school, college or any other educational institution attended by the respondents. A last category, "other (specify)" (Code 20), has been included to cater for other educational categories not mentioned. In general, you may check whether the educational level of a person is consistent with his/her age. For example, a boy or girl of age 8 could not have completed class 11. If any such inconsistency is noted, please make probing questions and ascertain the correct answer.

Cambodia 2013 — source variable KH2013A_EDATTAIN — Highest grade completed
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For all persons
[Questions 10 to 25 were asked of all persons]

17. Full-time education

b. Currently attending grade for code 2 of column 17(a)
[Question 17b was asked of persons currently attending school]

(Enter the code from the list below)

For code 1 ["never"] and code 3 ["in the past"] in col. 17(a), put a dash (-)
For code 2 ["now"] in col. 17(a), code from list below [not all the possible responses are represented]:

[] 00 Pre-school/kindergarten
[] 01 Grade 1
[] 02 Grade 2
[] 11 Class 11
[] 12 Class 12
[] 15 Technical / vocational pre-secondary diploma / certificate
[] 16 Technical / vocational post-secondary diploma / certificate
[] 17 Undergraduate course
[] 18 Post graduate course
[] 19 Post-master degree course
[] 20 Any other course (specify) ____
c. Highest grade completed
[Question 17c was asked of persons who ever attended school/educational institution]

(Enter the code from the list below)

For code 1 ["never"] in col. 17(a), put a dash (-)
For code 2 ["now"] and code 3 ["in the past"] in col. 17(a), code from list below [not all the possible responses are represented]:

[] 00. Pre-school / kindergarten
[] 01 Grade 1
[] 02 Grade 2
[] 11 Class 11
[] 12 Class 12
[] 13 Lower secondary diploma / certificate
[] 14 Upper secondary diploma / certificate / baccalaureate
[] 15 Technical / vocational pre-secondary diploma / certificate
[] 16 Technical / vocational post-secondary diploma / certificate
[] 17 Graduate degree
[] 18 Master's degree
[] 19 Ph.D. degree
[] 20 Any other diploma / degree completed (specify) ____
[] 88 No grade completed
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52. Instructions for filling-in column 1 to 25 of Form B: part 2

You have to collect information in part 2 for all persons mentioned in statement 1.1 and statement 1.2 of part 1. Some of the following questions have been answered in part 1. Therefore there will be no need to ask these questions again. In such cases all you have to do is to copy the information in the appropriate column.

70. Column 17: full time education

[p. 27]

Full-time education refers to education in an educational institution like Primary school, Secondary school, College, Training center, etc. This question should be filled-in for all persons.

70.3 Column 17 (c): what is the highest grade completed?

If you have given code 1 in column 17(a), enter dash (-) in the two sub-columns of column 17(c). For Codes 2 and 3 in column 17 (a) give suitable code from the code list given below the question, based on the answer given by the respondent.. A last category "other (specify)" (Code 20) has been included to cater for other educational categories not mentioned. In general, you may check whether the educational level of a person is consistent with his/her age. For example, a boy or girl of age 8 could not have completed class 11. If any such inconsistency is noted, please make probing questions and ascertain the correct answer. Code 88 should be given for a person who has not completed any grade. Examples of this are: kids in the preschool/ kindergarten, drop outs from school who have not completed any grade.

70.4 Note on the code Lists for Currently attending grades and completed Grades Given Under Column 17

For both the columns 17(b) and 17 (c), code list is the same for Pre-school to Grade 12. This is explained below: suppose a person is currently attending grade 9 give code 09 in column 17(b). If another person has completed Grade 9 give code 09 in

[p. 28]

Column 17 (c) and so on.

Beyond Grade 12 currently attending grades can be coded in column 17 (b) from the list Called "Separate codes for Col.17 (b)" which contains Codes 15 to 20 for higher courses. Two Codes 13 and 14 will not apply to Column 17(b).

In the case of column 17(c) completed grades beyond Grade 12 should be coded using the list of codes called "Separate codes for Column 17(c)" which contains Codes 13 to 20 and code 88 for no grade completed. Examples: if code 15 is entered in column 17(b) it means the person is studying in the presecondary diploma course. If code 15 is entered in column 17(c) it means that the person concerned has completed pre-secondary diploma course and so on. If code 18 is given in column 17(b) it means the person is studying in the post-graduate class. If code 18 is given in column 17(c) it means the person has completed his Master's degree.

Important: in the case of a person who has successfully completed a diploma, certificate or degree course it is not necessary that she/he should have the completed certificate with her/him at the time of the survey. She/he should be treated as having completed the course.

Cambodia 2019 — source variable KH2019A_EDATTAIN — Highest grade completed
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Form B household questionnaire part 2

Individual particulars
[This section except for questions 6 and 8 are to be completed by all persons]

[Questions 15-16 are to be completed by all persons]

16c. What is the highest grade completed?

For code 1 in column 16a, put dash (-) in 16b.
For codes 2 and 3 in column 16a, enter the code from the list below.

[] 00. Pre-school/kindergarten
[] 01. Class 1
[] 02. Class 2
[] 03. Class 3
[] 04. Class 4
[] 05. Class 5
[] 06. Class 6
[] 07. Class 7
[] 08. Class 8
[] 09. Class 9
[] 10. Class 10
[] 11. Class 11
[] 12. Class 12
[] 13. Lower secondary/diploma/certificate
[] 14. Upper secondary/diploma/certificate/baccalaureate
[] 15. Technical/vocational pre-secondary diploma/certificate
[] 16. Technical/vocational post-secondary diploma/certificate
[] 17. Graduate degree
[] 18. Master's degree
[] 19. Ph.D. degree
[] 20. Any other diploma/degree completed
[] 88. No grade completed