Codes and Frequencies
An 'X' indicates the category is available for that sample
Code | Label |
00 | No certificate | X |
10 | Primary | X |
20 | Lower secondary | X |
30 | Upper secondary | · |
31 | Academic diploma | X |
32 | Vocational diploma | X |
40 | Post-secondary | · |
41 | Technical degree | X |
42 | College or university degree | X |
43 | High diploma | X |
44 | Masters degree | X |
45 | Doctoral degree | X |
98 | Unknown | X |
99 | NIU (not in universe) | X |
Can't find the category you are looking for? Try the Detailed codes
Explore how IPUMS created this variable
Most IPUMS data transformations are performed using variable harmonization tables that specify how each value in the source data is recoded. Some variables also require programming logic in addition to the harmonization table. The harmonization documents for this variable are:
- Harmonization table
- Supplemental programming
- Instructions for interpreting harmonization documents
class Educiq : public Editor {
Educiq(VarPointer varInfo) : Editor(varInfo) {}
void edit() {
long a = getRecoded();
switch (dataSet) {
case dataset_id::iq1997a: {
if (IQ1997A_0443() == 0) {
if (IQ1997A_0449() >= 16 && IQ1997A_0449() < 23 ||
IQ1997A_0449() >= 31 && IQ1997A_0449() < 33)
a = 10;
if (IQ1997A_0449() >= 23 && IQ1997A_0449() < 26 ||
IQ1997A_0449() >= 33 && IQ1997A_0449() < 36)
a = 20;
if (IQ1997A_0449() == 26 || IQ1997A_0449() >= 51 && IQ1997A_0449() < 54)
a = 31;
if (IQ1997A_0449() == 36 || IQ1997A_0449() == 41)
a = 32;
if (IQ1997A_0449() >= 42 && IQ1997A_0449() <= 45)
a = 41;
if (IQ1997A_0449() >= 54 && IQ1997A_0449() <= 56)
a = 42;
if (IQ1997A_0449() == 60)
a = 43;
if (IQ1997A_0449() == 70)
a = 44;
if (IQ1997A_0449() == 80)
a = 45;
if (IQ1997A_0449() >= 90 && IQ1997A_0443() == 0 || IQ1997A_0448() == 999)
a = 98;
if (IQ1997A_0448() < 10)
a = 99;
} break;
EDUCIQ indicates the highest level of schooling in Iraq the person had completed at the time of the census.
Comparability — General
Primary and secondary school are each six years in duration. There are two secondary tracks and several post-secondary degrees.
EDUCIQ is constructed from separate variables recording the grade being attended by persons in school and educational attainment for persons who were no longer attending school. To convert the attendance variable to educational attainment we assumed the person completed one fewer year of schooling. Fortunately, the level-attended variable provided number of years within level. The attendance variable was converted to attainment using the following thresholds:
No certificate: persons who are currently attending but have 5 or less years of primary education
Primary certificate: 6 years of primary, or up to two years of intermediate or vocational secondary education.
Lower secondary certificate: 3 to 5 years of intermediate or vocational secondary education.
Academic secondary certificate: 6 years of intermediate secondary or 1 to 3 years of college education.
Vocation secondary certificate: 6 years of vocational secondary or 1 year of intermediate post-secondary education
Post secondary degree: 2 to 5 years of post-secondary education
College degree: 4 or more years of college education
It should be noted that the category "no certificate" could include non-responses.
- Persons age 10+
- Iraq: 1997
Questionnaire Text
Iraq 1997 |
The fields (68-70) are filled for those who are more than (10) years old, excluding the students who were born in 1987 or earlier.
69. For persons with certificates (mark with an [x] the highest certificate)
[] 2 Intermediate
[] 3 Secondary
[] 4 Vocational
[] 5 Diploma
[] 6 B.A. or B.SCB
[] 7 Higher diploma
[] 8 M.A. or MSC
[] 9 Ph.D.
[] Higher degree acquired
[] Others
69. For person with certificate:
The certificate here means the certificates accepted by the ministry or Education or the ministry of Higher education and scientific Research, if the person acquires a primary certificate the sign is put in the square opposite to the word (primary), if the person completed the intermediate level the sign (x) is put in the square opposite to the word (intermediate), if the person gets a certificate from one of the industrial preparatory schools or agricultural or commercial the sign is put in the square opposite to the (vocational). If the person gets Bachelor the sign put in the square opposite to the word (bachelor), if the person gets a higher professional certificate the sign is put in the square opposite to the phrase (higher professional certificate) for example (M.R.C.P., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.S., and so on. If the person gets a certificate not mentioned in the questionnaire the sign is put opposite to the word (others).
37. The date of birth:
Recorded in this field in numbers the date of birth of the person by day, month and year. The numerator has to notice that number (19) is fixed on the field of year means thousands and hundreds. If the person was born in 1945 it is recorded beside number (19) number (45). The numerator has to regard and to work hard in collecting these data accurately especially children and the year of birth and if the name of the month is not available he has to confirm the year of birth only. He does not have to mention the age in years but only does the year of birth. To ensure the accuracy of data he has to go back to the documents available to fix the data of birth and it depends first on the birth certificate then the identification card and if it is not available he depends on army service certificate or nationality certificate or passport and if all these documents are not the same and there is some difference in them the numerator has to estimate the year of birth on the basis of the person appearance and the rest person of the household opinion and to connect the year of birth with national, religious and historical events and the ages of the rest persons of a household.
Note: If the date of birth in the identification card includes (1/7) in day and month the numerator has to ask the person about the real date of his birth although the day and month (1/7) is available in his identification card. If it is obvious that the person really doesn't know the day and month of his birth the numerator doesn't have to record that and to record the year of birth only.
Questions 65-67 are for students continuing their studies
65. Educational level
[] 2 Intermediate and secondary
[] 3 Vocational
[] 4 Institutes
[] 5 College
[] 6 High diploma
[] 7 M.SC
[] 8 Ph.D.
[] 9 Highest degree acquired
[] 10 Others
66. Class or level ____