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Educational attainment, Israel

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      class Educil : public Editor {

  Educil(VarPointer varInfo) : Editor(varInfo) {}
  void edit() {

    long a = getRecoded();
    switch (dataSet) {
    case dataset_id::il1972a: {
      if (IL1972A_0415() == 99 && IL1972A_0422() >= 1 && IL1972A_0422() <= 4)
        a = 0;
    } break;
    case dataset_id::il1983a: {
      if (IL1983A_0431() == 0 && IL1983A_0403() >= 15 && IL1983A_0403() <= 80 &&
          IL1983A_0427() == 1)
        a = 0;
      if (IL1983A_0431() == 0 && IL1983A_0403() >= 15 && IL1983A_0403() <= 80 &&
          IL1983A_0427() == 8)
        a = 98;
    } break;
    case dataset_id::il1995a: {
      if (IL1995A_0421() == 99 && IL1995A_0404() >= 15 &&
          IL1995A_0404() <= 80 && IL1995A_0418() == 3)
        a = 0;
    } break;
    case dataset_id::il2008a: {
      if (IL2008A_0451() == 0 && IL2008A_0406() >= 15 && IL2008A_0406() <= 85)
        a = 0;
    } break;




EDUCIL indicates the person's educational attainment in Israel in terms of the level of schooling completed.

Comparability — General

Israel has 9 years of compulsory primary and intermediate schooling. The levels are combined in 1983, 1995, and 2008, with more detail available in 1972. The information available in 1972 identifies similar education levels with respect to later samples, but the categories available may pose some comparability issue across.

High school offers general academic and vocational/technical tracks. The Israel samples do not distinguish between tracks but identify persons who passed the matriculation (Bagrut) examinations. These examinations are taken after completing high school and are required to enter university.

The categorizations within post-secondary education differ considerably between 1972 and later years. The non-academic post-secondary degree includes teacher's certificate, nurse and engineer certificates, and diplomas from religious institutions, and other similar.

The unharmonized source variable for 1972 includes extra information on years of schooling and certificate within some categories.


  • Israel 1972: Persons age 14+
  • Israel 1983: Persons age 15+
  • Israel 1995: Persons age 15+
  • Israel 2008: Persons age 15+


  • Israel: 1972, 1983, 1995, 2008