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Educational attainment, Finland

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EDUCFI indicates the person's educational attainment in Finland in terms of the level of schooling completed.

Comparability — General

The education system in Finland follows a 9-3 structure, including nine-year basic education (primary and lower secondary) and three-year upper secondary education. The basic education (also called comprehensive school) is compulsory and consists of primary education (6 years) and lower secondary education (3 years). The 2010 sample combines persons with primary along with those with unknown education. Upper secondary education has general and vocational tracks.

The tertiary education provides four different levels: the lowest level takes 2-3 years, the lower degree level takes 3 years, the higher degree level takes 5 years, and the doctoral level requires 2-4 years more after completing the higher degree level.


  • Finland 2010: Persons age 16+


  • Finland: 2010