Questionnaire Text

Chile 1960
Chile 1970
Chile 1982
Chile 1992
Chile 2002
Chile 2017
Chile 1960 — source variable CL1960A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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13. Educational level ____

For all individuals, write the highest course completed and the type of instruction received.
2nd year Feminine technical
1st year High school or primary
2nd year Business school
4th year Medical
2nd year Social sciences
3rd year Law

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Education: The following three questions should be answered by all people five years or older.

Column 13: Educational Attainment. Information should be collected on the last grade or the most advanced year of studies that the person has passed, not the grade that they are currently in or studying, nor the grade that they've been in or studied, but without having passed. Record, for example: 2nd [year of] primary [school]; 5th [year of] secondary [school]; 3rd [year of] law school, etc.

In the case of a person who has studied and passed courses abroad, record the equivalent grade or year in the corresponding Chilean educational system.

For those who have never attended school, record: "O". [Translator's note: this appears to be the letter "O" and not the number "0".]

Chile 1970 — source variable CL1970A_EDATT1 — Educational attainment
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II -- Educational Characteristics

For all individuals 5 years of age and older.

10. Level of instruction (educational level):

What is the last year of regular schooling completed, and in what type of schooling?

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8

Type of schooling:
[] 00 None
[] 01 Primary
[] 02 Basic
[] 03 Secondary
[] 04 Middle
[] 05 Commercial
[] 06 Industrial
[] 07 Agricultural
[] 08 Feminine technical
[] 09 Teacher-training
[] 10 University
[] 11 Unknown

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Question No. 10--Level of Instruction

This is the last level or year, within the most advanced instructional cycle in the regular educational system, passed by the person being enumerated.

In this question, you should obtain two pieces of information.

[p. 36]

Last level finished or passed, which you will mark in one of the 8 boxes indicated after the first part of this question, and

Type of Instruction, which you will mark in a box corresponding to one of the 11 alternatives indicated on the form.

Chile 1982 — source variable CL1982A_EDATTAN — Education attainment, level and grade
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For all those 5 and older

8. What is the last year that you passed and in what type of education was this study?


0. Kindergarten ____
1. First year ____
2. Second year ____
3. Third year ____
4. Fourth year ____
5. Fifth year ____
6. Sixth year ____
7. Seventh year ____
8. Eight year ____
9. None ____

Type of Schooling:
1. Basic or primary ____
2. Media ____
3. Humanities ____
4. Commercial ____
5. Industrial ____
6. Agricultural ____
7. Feminine technical ____
8. Teacher-training ____
9. Professional institute ____
10. University ____

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8. What is the last level that you passed and in what type of instruction?

Both for those who currently attend and those who attended, ask about the last level passed and not about the one they are currently in.

Fill in the ovals corresponding to the level and type of instruction reported to you by the informant.

For those who are going to school this year for the first time, whether it be to kindergarten or the first year of elementary school, you should mark the oval for the option None.

If the informant has doubts, read them the different response choices.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 8 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 1992 — source variable CL1992A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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For all individuals 5 years of age and older [applies to questions 7 to 9]

8. What is the last grade of regular schooling you completed?

1st ____
2nd ____
3rd ____
4th ____
5th ____
6th ____
7th ____
8th ____

Type of regular schooling

[] 1 Kindergarten
[] 2 Basic or primary
[] 3 Common middle school
[] 4 Humanities
[] 5 Commercial secondary
[] 6 Industrial secondary
[] 7 Agricultural secondary
[] 8 Maritime secondary
[] 9 Mining
[] 10 Feminine technical
[] 11 Teaching-training
[] 12 Technical training center
[] 13 Professional institute
[] 14 University
[] 0 Never attended

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8. What is the last level that you passed in regular school?

Both for those who currently attend and those who attended, ask about the last level passed in regular instruction, and not the one they are currently in or one they didn't manage to pass.

Fill in the circles corresponding to the level and type of Instruction reported by the informant.

For those who are going to school, whether it be preschool, kindergarten, or the first year of elementary, for the first time this year of 1992, you should mark the circle corresponding to option 0: Never attended.

If the informant has doubts, read the different response choices.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 8 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 2002 — source variable CL2002A_EDATTAIN — Educational attainment
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For all individuals 5 years of age and older

26. What is the highest level and grade of formal education you completed?

[] 1 Never attended
[] 2 Pre-school
[] 3 Special education
[] 4 Elementary/primary
[] 5 Common middle/secondary (media comĂșn)
[] 6 Humanities (secondary)
[] 7 Commercial secondary (media)
[] 8 Industrial secondary (media)
[] 9 Agricultural secondary (media)
[] 10 Maritime secondary (media)
[] 11 Teacher-training
[] 12 Feminine technical
[] 13 Technical training center
[] 14 Professional institute
[] 15 University

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Question 26

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 26 on the census form.]

"Normal": This option refers to the old Normal Schools [schools where one studied and trained to work as a teacher at a primary school].

Chile 2017 — source variable CL2017A_EDATTAIN — Education attainment
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D. Personal information

14. What is the highest educational level you have attained?
Remember it is not your current course but the highest level completed

- For preschool education, enter 0.
- For those who have completed the tertiary education, enter the number of years of the program
[] 0
[] 1st
[] 2nd
[] 3rd
[] 4th
[] 5th
[] 6th
[] 7th
[] 8th

15. To which educational level does the above course refer?

A. Preschool
[] 1 Nursery
[] 2 Pre-kinder
[] 3 Kinder
B. 4 Special education
C. Elementary/primary
[] 5 Elementary education
[] 6 Primary (old system)
D. Secondary education
[] 7 Scientific-humanist
[] 8 Vocational
[] 9 Humanities (old system)
[] 10 Business, industrial, normal-school (olds system)
E. Tertiary education
[] 11 Postsecondary technical school (1-3 years)
[] 12 Professional degree (4 or more years)
[] 13 Master's Degree
[] 14 PhD
15.a. Did you complete the educational level indicated in question 15 above?
That is, did you complete elementary or secondary education, or did you receive a diploma or degree for the final level completed?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
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Questionnaire section D: "Personal information"
Interview each member of the household using one page for each person. The order in which you must conduct the interviews is the same as you entered on question 6.c. Therefore, person No. 1 will correspond to the head of household, while person No. 2 will be the person you entered on the second row, and so forth.
It is very important that you follow the order as entered on question 6.c for conducting the interviews in section D. This way, you will avoid leaving someone out without being recorded for the census.

[Questions 14, highest educational level]
Mark the oval that corresponds to the highest educational level attained by the person you are recording. Remember that it is the highest level completed, not the level currently being pursued.
You should bear in mind that in cases like preschool, "0" should be marked. In cases of two-and-a-half-year technical programs, round up and mark "3rd."
[Figure omitted, image of question 14 from questionnaire]

[Questions 15, educational level]
Read the question and the categories printed in bold. Wait for the respondent to answer and then describe the alternatives within the declared level.
[Figure omitted, image of question 15 from questionnaire]

[Questions 15a, completed educational level]
This question is aimed at determining whether the recorded person completed elementary or secondary education, or received a diploma or degree for the final level completed.
If the diploma or degree is in process, the educational level is considered to have been completed.
[Figure omitted, image of question 15.a from questionnaire]

Special cases for questions about education
Courses passed by means of open exams and in adult education must also be considered and, therefore, recorded.
Persons who completed their education abroad must establish their equivalent educational level according to the current Chilean system and be classified in one of the indicated categories.
[Figure omitted, image with detailed information of the formal education levels in Chile]

Case 1: Person currently in first year of tertiary education
Camita is currently in her first year at the university. Therefore, her last completed educational level was the fourth year of secondary education at a scientific-humanist school. The correct way to record this is as shown to the left.
[Figure omitted, images of questions 13, 14, 15 and 15.a from the questionnaire. Question 13 has option 1.yes fill, question 14, has option 4th fill; question 15 has the option 1. from list D fill, and, question 15.a, has option yes fill]

Case 2: Person who made it to the eighth year of elementary education but did not complete it
Ana attended a rural school in her childhood. She reached the eighth year of elementary education but had to withdraw before completing the school year and did not return to formal education. Subsequently, she has only taken training courses. The correct way to record this is as shown to the right.
[Figure omitted, images of questions 13, 14, 15 and 15.a from the questionnaire. Question 13 has option 2. No at present fill, question 14, has option 7th fill; question 15 has the option elementary from list C fill, and, question 15.a, has option no fill]