Questionnaire Text

Switzerland 1970
Switzerland 1980
Switzerland 1990
Switzerland 2000
Switzerland 2011
Switzerland 1970 — source variable CH1970A_EDATT1 — Highest level of educational attainment (original values)
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A. Questions to all persons
[Applies to questions 1-15]

13. Completed stages of education (all completed school levels to be indicated):

[] None
[] Primary school
[] Secondary or trade school
[] Higher education school (see examples)
[] School for general or language education
[] Full time professional school (see examples)
[] School for higher technical/professional training
[] College/university

  • Higher education schools: grammar school, teacher seminars, higher education schools for women.
  • Full time professional schools: schools for pharmacists, laboratory technicians, librarians, social workers, nurses, agriculture, but not mandatory apprenticeship schools.

Switzerland 1980 — source variable CH1980A_EDATT1 — Highest level of educational attainment (original values)
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C. Questions to persons aged 15 and over

15. Completed stages of education (training):
[Please indicate all completed stages]

[] None
[] Primary school
[] Secondary or grammar school
[] Basic professional training

[] Apprenticeship (1)
[] Full-time training college (2)

[] Grammar school (6th form), teachers' training college
[] Other schools of general education (3)
[] School for higher professional training (4)
[] College, university

1. Apprenticeship: e.g. training at trade, art and commercial schools, nursing colleges; agricultural apprenticeship.

2. Full-time training colleges: e.g. secretarial and commercial colleges (with state-recognized diplomas, as well as private commercial schools), schools for medical secretaries, agricultural colleges.

3. Schools of general education: e.g. boarding school, finishing school, school for civil or public servants (G.P.O., etc.).

4. Schools for higher professional training (entry condition: completed basic professional training or general education): e.g. school for technicians, polytechnic, school for engineering, higher commercial and management school, school for social work, schools for interpreters and librarians.

Switzerland 1990 — source variable CH1990A_EDATT1 — Highest level of educational attainment (original values)
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11. Education and professional training

Please list all stages of education and professional training:

Undergoing education at present
[] 1 No education or professional training
[] 2 Compulsory schooling (primary, secondary, high school)
[] 3 Apprenticeship or full-time vocational school
[] 4 Grammar school, primary teachers' training
[] 5 Advanced vocational or professional training (with master craftsman's certificate, other higher professional certificate/diploma)
[] 6 Higher vocational schools (e.g. technical college, colleges of further education, school for social workers)
[] 7 University, college
[] 8 Other studies, namely: ____
Studies completed
[] 1 No education or professional training
[] 2 Compulsory schooling (primary, secondary, high school)
[] 3 Apprenticeship or full-time vocational school
[] 4 Grammar school, primary teachers' training
[] 5 Advanced vocational or professional training (with master craftsman's certificate, other higher professional certificate/diploma)
[] 6 Higher vocational schools (e.g. technical college, colleges of further education, school for social workers)
[] 7 University, college
[] 8 Other studies, namely: ____

Switzerland 2000 — source variable CH2000A_EDATT1 — Highest level of educational attainment (original values)
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11. Education
Tick all education/training you have completed in column a) and present education/training in column b).

a. Completed education/training
Mark all completed courses

[] None
[] Compulsory education (primary, junior secondary/high, assessment school, preparatory senior-secondary school, special school)
[] Certified college (up to 2 years), administrative/transport college, social work, introductory course for nursing professions (1 or 2 years), preparatory vocational courses, basic vocational training (with contract)
[] Apprenticeship or full-time vocational college (e.g., commercial college, training in manual skills)
[] High-school certificate college, vocational high-school diploma, certificated college (3 years)
[] Teacher-training college (e.g. nursery, primary school), music, gymnastics and sports
[] Advanced technical and professional training (e.g. federal certificate of proficiency, diploma, master-craftsman certificate, higher commercial management college [HKG], technical college)
[] Higher college of technology (e.g. HTL, HWV, HFG, HFS) with full-time education lasting a minimum of 3 years (including post-graduate degree)
[] Specialized university (including post-graduate degree)
[] University, institute of technology (including post-graduate degree)

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_EDTTAIN — Highest completed education (detail)
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Personal questionnaire

8. Indicate the highest level of education/training you have completed in column a)

a) Highest level of education/training completed

[] 1 None
[] 2 Compulsory education attended but not completed
[] 3 Compulsory education
[] 4 1-year education and training course/bridging course
[] 5 Upper-secondary specialised school
[] 6 Apprenticeship in enterprise (VET) / basic vocational training / vocational school / commercial school
[] 7 Academic baccalaureate / teacher training certificate
[] 8 Vocational baccalaureate / specialised baccalaureate
[] 9 Federal PET examination with federal PET diploma / higher vocational examination with federal diploma / Master certificate
[] 10 College of higher vocational education and training
[] 11 Bachelor's degree: university, ETH/EPF, university of applied sciences, university of teacher education (including diploma from university of applied sciences / university of teacher education)
[] 12 Master's degree: university, ETH/EPF, university of applied sciences, university of teacher education (including licentiate, university/ETH/EPF diploma)
[] 13 Doctorate, post-doctoral qualification (habilitation)

25. In the following columns, enter all persons except for person 1 from question 24, keeping the same numbers for each person.

Person 1 is the person who completed the personal questionnaire

[Asked only of those who do not live alone in question 23.]

Person 2
1. First name: ____
2. Year of birth: (YYYY): _ _ _ _
3. Month of birth: (MM): _ _
Person 3
1. First name: ____
2. Year of birth: (YYYY): _ _ _ _
3. Month of birth: (MM): _ _
[Same questions are repeated for persons 4 - 6 and omitted from this form]

28. What is the highest educational level attained by the person?

Only one answer.

[Asked only of those who do not live alone in question 23.]

Only to be completed for persons aged 15 and older.

Person 2
[] 1 None or compulsory education attended but not completed
[] 2 Compulsory education / 1-year education and training course / bridging course
[] 3 Apprenticeship in enterprise (VET) / basic vocational training / vocational school / commercial school
[] 4 Upper-secondary specialized school / academic baccalaureate / teacher training certificate / vocational baccalaureate / specialized baccalaureate
[] 5 Federal PET examination with federal PET diploma / higher vocational examination with federal diploma/Master certificate / college of higher vocational education and training
[] 6 University / ETH/EPF / university of applied sciences /university of teacher education
[Same questions are repeated for persons 3 - 6 and omitted from this form]
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3.3 Structural statistics

3.3.2 Basic output
The structural statistics provide additional information on the basic statistics, together with base information for the analysis of the thematic statistics of the census system. They cover the resident population, excluding people who live in institutional households. The information on dwellings relates to occupied dwellings. The structural statistics provide annual results on the following topic areas:

T4 Information provided by the structural statistics

Topic area "education"
Highest educational attainment


- Completed education and highest educational attainment 
- Development of the qualification structure of the population 
- Migration and qualification structure
Current education


- Current education
- Current education and occupation
- Branch of economic activity and legal status of the school
Education and labour market 
- Career paths after graduation
- Atypical educational path
Learned occupation (original training) and current occupation


- Learned occupation
- Social mobility
3.4.2 Education and training

T6 Information provided by the area "education and training"

Highest educational attainment         

- The highest level of formal education completed
- Forecasts of the highest educational attainment
- Number of years of education